Stellium in Pisces in 2025
In the year 2025, we will see a Stellium in transit which can have a major impact on our life at individual and global level both. As Stellium always give us results, it is right time to look into this transit and its results.
Let’s try to understand it on following points –
Pisces Sign.
Planets Involved.
Way to read a Stellium.
Impact on Pisces Sign.
Impact on Aries Sign.
Impact on houses involved.
Child Birth.
Let’s cover all points one after the other –
Pisces - As Pisces is the 12th sign of zodiac belt, it represents the same energy and things which are represented by 12th house such as Isolated Places, Spirituality, Imagination, Other Dimension or Other World etc. Besides these things, it also represents your Hidden Talents, Ability to work in background, Spiritual Self etc. Pisces is consisted of last 2 and half nakshatra, i.e. Purva-Bhadrapada, Uttara-Bhadrapada & Revati. Pisces' lord is Jupiter.
Planets Involved – Planetary conjunction of 3 or more planets in one house/sign is known as Stellium. Let’s see all the planets which will be transiting in Pisces sign between mid-March, 2025 to end-May, 2025 and will create a Stellium in Pisces –
Rahu - Rahu represents illusion, foreign lands, foreign things, Drugs, Medicines, any type of intoxication, fame, wealth, success, obsession, past-life left-over karma, movies, television, online world, cheating, imagined fears, unusual things, unique things, creativity, rule breaker. Rahu also blows things out of proportions.
Rahu is already transiting in Pisces and will stay there till May, 2025.
Venus - Venus represents Beauty, Desire and Love. Venus is the main significator of Marriage. Venus represents Girlfriend or Wife for a Man. Venus is the significator of all relations, may it be Husband-Wife or Mother-Daughter. Venus is Wealth & Conveniences, Vehicles & Luxuries. Venus’s highest representation is Service and Devotion, which is where Venus is most pious.
Venus will enter in Pisces on 28th Jan, 2025 and will go retrograde there. Venus will stay in Pisces till 31st May, 2025. Venus is exalted in Pisces.
Mercury - Mercury represents communication skills, marketing, calculative ability, younger siblings, hobbies, skills with hands, intelligence, quick decision making, logical thinking, youthfulness etc.
Mercury will enter in Pisces on 27th Feb, 2025 and will stay there till 6th May, 2025. Mercury will also go retrograde in Pisces. Although Mercury will be debilitated in Pisces but as it will be with exalted Venus, it will receive Neech Bhang Raaj Yoga which can bring better results in professional life but personal life can have its own challenges.
Sun - Sun represents Personality, King, Government, Father, Authority, Career, Top Positions, Ego, Self Esteem, Health, Education etc.
Sun will enter in Pisces from 15th March, 2025 and will stay there till 14th April, 2025. As Sun will be transiting with Rahu in Pisces, it means that it is going to be an eclipse month too.
Most importantly, Saturn will enter in Pisces for its next transit of 2.5 years on 29th March, 2025.
Saturn - Saturn is all that which we don't like in our life. Saturn is Delay, Frustration, Restriction, Limitation and Anxiety. It is Hard-work and Labour. It is people of Authority, like Boss at your work place or Father at home. Saturn is Master and Servant both (depends on who uses Saturn in what way). Saturn is our Karmic Debt from life. Saturn is the things we didn't treat too well in our past life. Saturn is our challenges and biggest lessons of life. Saturn is Old-age, Teeth in human body, Diseases, Transformation etc. Saturn is Discipline, Organisation, Structure, Government, Law & Order etc.
So, from mid-March, 2025 to end-May, 2025 Rahu-Saturn-Mercury-Venus-Sun will be transiting through Pisces and will create Stellium for Pisces sign. This means focus will switch to the house where Pisces is falling in chart. Needless to say that all these planets from Pisces will also aspect Virgo sign where Ketu will be transiting. So, focus will also be at the house where Virgo is falling in chart
Saturn’s involvement in this Stellium shows that Saturn is going to rule over this Stellium. It means that results of Stellium transit will be experienced in Saturnine ways of delay, hard work and perseverance etc.
Way to read a Stellium – I have written previously on how to read conjunction of 4 or more planets ( which can be useful here. Also, we had a similar stellium in Sagiitarius and Capricorn in past few years. I had written about those stelliums too - , (, . I also applied the same rule in US President Donald Trump’s Chart ( to predict for Dec, 2019 - Jan, 2020 Stellium and that prediction had come correct when it was decided that he would be impeached. These articles can be very important for everyone to understand the current Stellium. I suggest you to go through these articles. One thing is sure that when such huge planetary energy accumulates in one house or one sign then that house or sign related things become prominent in our lives.
Impact on Pisces Sign – As all these planets are impacting Pisces sign, the obvious impact will be on Pisces related things –
1. As Pisces is sign of Spirituality and Devotion, this time can be very good in spiritual matters. If person perseveres in these matters then he can have some spiritual experiences.
2. Otherwise also, this time can be considered good for following spiritual pursuits and devoting self towards some spiritual cause.
3. As it is sign of imagination and creativity, this can be the time good to pursue your creative interests.
4. As Pisces is also sign of dream/utopian world, this transit shows that person can be living in utopia in matters related to the house where Pisces falls in chart.
5. Saturn’s presence in Pisces from 2025 to 2027 is telling us to be practical and realistic in our approach in matters related to the house where Pisces falls in chart and come out of dream world.
6. It would be better not to expect much benefic results in matters of living significances rather focus on work and career related matters.
7. This transit can also bring a Spiritual Guru in life or a Teacher in creative matters.
8. If Pisces sign is falling in Dushthana houses (6th/8th/12th) or Maraka Houses (2nd/7th) then this transit can be further difficult and person needs to be more careful or diligent.
9. If Pisces sign is in Upachaya Houses (3rd/6th/10th/11th) then this transit can bring situations of hard work.
10. As Pisces lord Jupiter is transiting in enemy sign Taurus, person can feel frustrated about overall results of this transit especially in matters of living significances.
11. As discussed, Saturn’s presence in this Stellium shows that all the above results can be experienced with delay, hard work and perseverance.
Impact on Aries Sign – Normally, we look at the results of transiting planets in the house/sign it is transiting-in but during this Stellium transit in Pisces something different is happening where all the above planets transiting in Pisces will be 12th from Aries sign, which shows actual loss or feeling of loss regarding the matters related to the house where Aries falls in the chart and the same loss becomes more prominent or actual as, during the same time, Aries lord Mars will be transiting in Gemini/Cancer sign where it is losing the dignity - .
Just like we cannot expect much benefic results of living significances of the house where Pisces falls in chart, likewise we cannot expect much benefic results of living significances of the house where Aries falls in chart.
We can see these houses from Moon also and we can get idea of some results. Like, I am Taurus Moon and Scorpio ascendant. Pisces and Aries signs are 11th house/12th house from Moon Sign whereas it is 5th house/6th house transits from Ascendant.
Last but not the least, if person has any planet in Pisces/Virgo signs in his birth chart then it will also give its result.
Child Birth – Now, what about those children who will take birth during this month? They will have Pisces and the house, where Scorpio falls, related things will be prominent for whole life. Likewise, they can have issues related with house where Aries falls in chart as lots of planets will be in 12th from Aries sign and Aries lord Mars will be debilitated. Again, the final results depend on individual chart and evolution level of individual.
Dashas – Dashas always have their importance. So, dashas a person is running through can give an indication as to what events person can expect during this transit of Stellium. Maximum impact of this Stellium is for those who are in Jupiter dashas.
Impact on Virgo Sign - All these planets impacting Pisces Sign also means that they will be aspecting Virgo sign too. Virgo also has Ketu transiting there and Jupiter-Mars will also aspect Virgo from their transit positions in Taurus and Gemini respectively. So, we need to be careful about this axis of Pisces/Virgo wherever it falls in chart.
Conclusion – So, this is how I see time from mid-March to end-May, 2022 impacting our lives.
Hope this helps. Thanks,
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