1. 1. About Me
  2. 2. Learn Astrology
    1. 1. Houses in Astrology Chart
      1. 1. First House
      1. 2. Second House
      1. 3. Third House
      1. 4. Fourth House
      1. 5. Fifth House
      1. 6. Sixth House
      1. 7. Seventh House
      1. 8. Eighth House
      1. 9. Ninth House
      1. 10. Tenth House
      1. 11. Eleventh House
      1. 12. Twelfth House
      1. 13. Classification of Houses
      1. 14. Relationship Matters - 8th house and 12th house
      1. 15. Significations of 12th House
      1. 16. Upachaya Houses
      1. 17. Significations of 10th House
      1. 18. Significations of 2nd House
      1. 19. Circle of Life through Houses
      1. 20. House of Father - 10th house or 9th house?
      1. 21. Significations of 6th House
      1. 22. Siblings and Houses
    1. 2. Astrology in Changing Times
      1. 1. Navamsha Chart and Relationship Life
      1. 2. Understanding Marriage Consultation
      1. 3. Need for Remedies
      1. 4. Many Important Questions on Astrology & My Respons
      1. 5. Panpsychism & Mythology in Astrology
      1. 6. Importance & Relevance of Marriage
      1. 7. Second or Subsequent Marriages & Astrology
      1. 8. Decoding Astrology
      1. 9. Body, Mind & Soul Level of Representation.
      1. 10. Scriptures Vs Experience
      1. 11. Navamsha Chart (D-9) and its irrelevance with Marr
      1. 12. Different level of representations
      1. 13. Improvement in Results
      1. 14. Karma, Karmic Debt and Astrology
      1. 15. Probability vs Certainty
      1. 16. Limitations of Astrological Predictions
      1. 17. Concept of Desh-Kaal-Paristhiti and Bhagyodaya
      1. 18. Negative Prediction vs Positive Prediction
      1. 19. Impact of ChatGPT/AI on Blogging
      1. 20. Soul Evolution Level and Charts
      1. 21. Relevance of Astrology in Marriage Matters
      1. 22. Insights on Relationship Astrology
    1. 3. Planets
      1. 1. Sun
      1. 2. Moon
      1. 3. Mars
      1. 4. Mercury
      1. 5. Jupiter
      1. 6. Venus
      1. 7. Saturn
      1. 8. Rahu
      1. 9. Ketu
    1. 4. Nakshatras
      1. 1. Understanding the Metaphor - Ashwini and Chitra Nakshatras - Sun, Sandhya and Chhaya
      1. 2. Vishakha Nakshatra- Symbolism and metaphorical interpretations
      1. 3. Introduction of Nakshatras
      1. 4. Ashwini Nakshatra
      1. 5. Bharani Nakshatra
      1. 6. Krittika Nakshatra
      1. 7. Rohini Nakshatra
      1. 8. Mrigshira Nakshatra
      1. 9. Ardra Nakshatra
      1. 10. Punarvasu Nakshatra
      1. 11. Pushya Nakshatra
      1. 12. Ashlesha Nakshatra
      1. 13. Magha Nakshatra
      1. 14. Purva-Phalguni Nakshatra
      1. 15. Uttara-Phalguni Nakshatra
      1. 16. Hasta Nakshatra
      1. 17. Chitra Nakshatra
      1. 18. Swati Nakshatra
      1. 19. Planets through Nakshatras Series
      1. 20. Vishakha Nakshatra
      1. 21. Anuradha Nakshatra
      1. 22. Jyeshta Nakshatra
      1. 23. Moola Nakshatra
      1. 24. Purva-Ashadha Nakshatra
      1. 25. Uttara-Ashadha Nakshatra
      1. 26. Abhijeet Nakshatra
      1. 27. Shravana Nakshatra
      1. 28. Dhanishtha Nakshatra
      1. 29. Shatabhishak Nakshatra
      1. 30. Alignment of Signs and Nakshatras
      1. 31. Purva-Bhadrapada Nakshatra
      1. 32. Uttara-Bhadrapada Nakshatra
      1. 33. Revati Nakshatra
      1. 34. Concept of Panchak
      1. 35. Introduction of Series on Planets Through Nakshatr
      1. 36. Understanding The Metaphor - Rohini Nakshatra
      1. 37. Purva-Phalguni - Understanding Metaphor
      1. 38. Understanding the Deity - Goddess Nrriti
      1. 39. Understanding The Metaphor - Uttara-Ashadha
      1. 40. Understanding the Metaphor - Pushya Nakshatra
      1. 41. Understanding the Metaphor – Chitra Nakshatra
      1. 42. Gandmool Nakshatra
    1. 5. Important Yogas
      1. 1. An Article on Angarak Yoga by a student Rahul
      1. 2. An article on Jupiter-Ketu Conjunction by a student Rahul
      1. 3. An article on Saraswati Yoga by a student Rahul
      1. 4. Vipreet Raj Yoga - Approach
      1. 5. Angarak Yoga
      1. 6. Akhand Samrajya Yoga
      1. 7. Dainya Parivartan Yoga
      1. 8. Arishta Yogas
      1. 9. Sakata Yoga and Mukuta Yoga
      1. 10. The Rahu-Saturn Conjunction
      1. 11. Adhi Yoga
      1. 12. Mahapataka Yoga
      1. 13. The Jupiter-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 14. The Saturn-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 15. Shrapit Yoga - House-wise Results
      1. 16. Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction
      1. 17. Venus-Saturn Conjunction
      1. 18. Saturn-Mars Conjunction
      1. 19. Saturn-Sun Conjunction
      1. 20. Rahu-Mars Conjunction
      1. 21. Rahu-Moon Conjunction
      1. 22. Rahu-Sun Conjunction
      1. 23. Kalpadruma Yoga/Parijaat Yoga
      1. 24. Parivartan Yoga and its interpretation
      1. 25. Kem-Drum Yoga and its interpretation
      1. 26. Sun Yogas, Moon Yogas and their Results
      1. 27. Mahapataka Yoga - The Great Sinner
      1. 28. Yogas and how they function?
      1. 29. 27 Yogas in Astrology
      1. 30. Shrapit Yoga
      1. 31. Saraswati Yoga
      1. 32. Mangalik Yoga
      1. 33. Raj Yoga
      1. 34. Kaal Sarp Yoga
      1. 35. Dhan Yoga
      1. 36. Gaj-Kesari Yoga
      1. 37. Budh-Aditya Yoga
      1. 38. Panch-Mahapurush Yoga
      1. 39. Dharma-Karmadhipati Yoga
      1. 40. Guru-Chandaal Yoga
      1. 41. Neech Bhang Raj Yoga
      1. 42. Yoga Karaka Planet
    1. 6. Celebrity Horoscope
      1. 1. Horoscope of Rajesh Khanna - Timing of rise in fortune or Bhagyodaya
      1. 2. Assassination Attempt on Mr Donald Trump - How Maraka Planets and Dashas work
      1. 3. Horoscope of Mrs Aishwarya Rai - Interpreting Current Dasha and Transits
      1. 4. Horscope of Rekha ji – Difficulty in Relationship
      1. 5. Horoscope of Albert Einstein – Importance of Nee
      1. 6. Celebrity Horoscope - Elizabeth Taylor -2
      1. 7. Horoscope of Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev
      1. 8. Horoscope of Mark David Chapman - Importance of Mo
      1. 9. Horoscope of Paulo Coelho
      1. 10. Horoscope of Sridevi ji – Timing of Attaining Fa
      1. 11. Horoscope of Adolf Hitler – Importance of Elemen
      1. 12. Horoscope of Steve Jobs - How to do Birth Time Rec
      1. 13. Horoscope of Sushmita Sen – Possibility of adopt
      1. 14. Chart of Elizabeth Taylor
      1. 15. Watts Family Murders - Chart of Chris Watts - How
      1. 16. Horoscope of Ram Dass - Debilitated Planets
      1. 17. Horoscope of Billie Eilish - Early Fame and Freedo
      1. 18. Horoscope of Divya Bharti - Importance of various
      1. 19. Horoscope of Lady Diana - 8th House and Mystery Co
      1. 20. Horoscope of Deepak Chopra - Importance of Nodal A
      1. 21. Horoscope of Srila Prabhupada ji - Ascendant and L
      1. 22. Horoscope of Carl Gustav Jung
      1. 23. Horoscope of Sanjay Gandhi - The Natural Prince
      1. 24. Saif Ali Khan Pataudi Horoscope – Generational g
      1. 25. Astro-Cartography of Amitabh Bachchan ji
      1. 26. Horoscope of Nick Vujicic - Life without Limbs
      1. 27. Chart of Pablo Picasso
      1. 28. Horoscope of Shri Raj Kapoor ji
      1. 29. Chart of Ted Bundy - Role of Deities and Mythology
      1. 30. The Royal Kid
      1. 31. Horoscope of Ted Kaczynski – Outcaste/Loner as p
      1. 32. Horoscope of Late Vinod Khanna ji or Swami Vinod B
      1. 33. Horoscope of Donald Trump – Prediction of an eve
      1. 34. Jiddu Krishnamurti - The Choice-less Awareness
      1. 35. Horoscope of Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin - The Leg
      1. 36. Celebrity Horoscope - Imran Khan - The Third Marri
      1. 37. Horoscope of Jim Carrey – The Monk in Hollywood
      1. 38. Horoscope of Bill Gates – Timing of Separation
      1. 39. Horoscope of Helen Keller - Changing Destinies & D
      1. 40. Elizabeth Taylor, 7 Spouses & 8 Marriages
      1. 41. Horoscope of a Yogi – Paramhansa Yogananda
      1. 42. Horoscope of Priyanka Chopra - The Desi Girl
      1. 43. Celebrity Horoscope – Indira Gandhi – India is
      1. 44. Sachin Tendulkar Horoscope
      1. 45. Horoscope of Osho Rajneesh
      1. 46. Sanjay Dutt's Horoscope
      1. 47. Barack Obama's Horoscope
      1. 48. Steve Jobs's Horoscope - Stay Hungry, Stay Foo
      1. 49. Rev Jim Jones Horoscope - Importance of Dasha and
    1. 7. Announcements & Notifications.
      1. 1. Bhagwan Wisdom with Swami Krishna Kabir ji
      1. 2. Accepting Fee Payment in form of Voluntory Donations
      1. 3. The Way Ahead
      1. 4. Feedback of Astro-Ayurveda Gurukul Classes
      1. 5. New Batch -Jan 2025 - Astrology-Ayurveda Gurukul
      1. 6. Reminder of Astrology and Ayurveda Teaching Classes from 16th Jan 2025
      1. 7. WhatsApp Channel Astro Saxena
      1. 8. Jyotish Darshan – Hidden Mysteries of Astrology
      1. 9. Bhagwan's Wisdom by Ma Anand Sheela
      1. 10. Guest Post by Priyanth
    1. 8. Conjunctions
      1. 1. Jupiter-Saturn-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 2. Venus-Saturn-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 3. Venus-Saturn-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 4. How to interpret conjunction of 4 or more planets
      1. 5. Sun-Moon Conjunction
      1. 6. Sun-Mars Conjunction
      1. 7. Sun-Mercury Conjunction
      1. 8. Sun-Jupiter Conjunction
      1. 9. Sun-Venus Conjunction
      1. 10. Sun-Saturn Conjunction
      1. 11. Sun-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 12. Sun-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 13. Moon-Mars Conjunction
      1. 14. Moon-Mercury Conjunction
      1. 15. Moon-Jupiter Conjunction
      1. 16. Moon-Venus Conjunction
      1. 17. Moon-Saturn Conjunction
      1. 18. Moon-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 19. Moon-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 20. Mars-Mercury Conjunction
      1. 21. Mars-Jupiter Conjunction
      1. 22. Mars-Venus Conjunction
      1. 23. Mars-Saturn Conjunction
      1. 24. Mars-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 25. Mars-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 26. Mercury-Jupiter Conjunction
      1. 27. Mercury-Venus Conjunction
      1. 28. Mercury-Saturn Conjunction
      1. 29. Mercury-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 30. Mercury-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 31. Jupiter-Venus Conjunction
      1. 32. Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction
      1. 33. Jupiter-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 34. Jupiter-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 35. Venus-Saturn Conjunction
      1. 36. Venus-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 37. Venus-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 38. Saturn-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 39. Saturn-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 40. Rahu-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 41. Sun-Moon-Mars Conjunction
      1. 42. Sun-Moon-Mercury Conjunction
      1. 43. Sun-Moon-Jupiter Conjunction
      1. 44. Sun-Moon-Venus Conjunction
      1. 45. Sun-Moon-Saturn Conjunction
      1. 46. Sun-Moon-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 47. Sun-Moon-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 48. Sun-Mars-Mercury Conjunction
      1. 49. Sun-Mars-Jupiter Conjunction
      1. 50. Sun-Mars-Venus Conjunction
      1. 51. Sun-Mars-Saturn Conjunction
      1. 52. Sun-Mars-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 53. Sun-Mars-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 54. Sun-Mercury-Jupiter Conjunction
      1. 55. Sun-Mercury-Venus Conjunction
      1. 56. Sun-Mercury-Saturn Conjunction
      1. 57. Sun-Mercury-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 58. Sun-Mercury-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 59. Sun-Jupiter-Venus Conjunction
      1. 60. Sun-Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction
      1. 61. Sun-Jupiter-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 62. Sun-Jupiter-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 63. Sun-Venus-Saturn Conjunction
      1. 64. Sun-Venus-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 65. Sun-Venus-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 66. Sun-Saturn-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 67. Sun-Saturn-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 68. Moon-Mars-Mercury Conjunction
      1. 69. Moon-Mars-Jupiter Conjunction
      1. 70. Moon-Mars-Venus Conjunction
      1. 71. Moon-Mars-Saturn Conjunction
      1. 72. Moon-Mars-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 73. Moon-Mars-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 74. Moon-Mercury-Jupiter Conjunction
      1. 75. Moon-Mercury-Venus Conjunction
      1. 76. Moon-Mercury-Saturn Conjunction
      1. 77. Moon-Mercury-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 78. Moon-Mercury-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 79. Moon-Jupiter-Venus Conjunction
      1. 80. Moon-Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction
      1. 81. Moon-Jupiter-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 82. Moon-Jupiter-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 83. Moon-Venus-Saturn Conjunction
      1. 84. Moon-Venus-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 85. Moon-Venus-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 86. Moon-Saturn-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 87. Moon-Saturn-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 88. Mars-Mercury-Jupiter Conjunction
      1. 89. Mars-Mercury-Venus Conjunction
      1. 90. Mars-Mercury-Saturn Conjunction
      1. 91. Mars-Mercury-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 92. Mars-Mercury-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 93. Mars-Jupiter-Venus Conjunction
      1. 94. Mars-Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction
      1. 95. Mars-Jupiter-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 96. Mars-Jupiter-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 97. Mars-Venus-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 98. Mars-Venus-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 99. Mars-Venus-Saturn Conjunction
      1. 100. Mars-Saturn-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 101. Mars-Saturn-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 102. Mercury-Jupiter-Venus Conjunction
      1. 103. Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction
      1. 104. Mercury-Jupiter-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 105. Mercury-Jupiter-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 106. Mercury-Venus-Saturn Conjunction
      1. 107. Mercury-Venus-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 108. Mercury-Venus-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 109. Mercury-Saturn-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 110. Mercury-Saturn-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 111. Jupiter-Venus-Saturn Conjunction
      1. 112. Jupiter-Venus-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 113. Jupiter-Venus-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 114. Jupiter-Saturn-Rahu Conjunction
  3. 3. Ascendant Nakshatra
    1. 1. Ascendant Nakshatra and Life Pattern - Introduction
    1. 2. Ashwini Ascendant Nakshatra - Life Pattern
    1. 3. Bharani Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern
    1. 4. Krittika Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern
    1. 5. Mrigshira Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern
    1. 6. Ardra Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern
    1. 7. Punarvasu - Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern
    1. 8. Pushya - Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern
    1. 9. Ashlesha - Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern
    1. 10. Rohini - Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern
    1. 11. Magha - Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern
    1. 12. Purva Phalguni - Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern
    1. 13. Uttara Phalguni - Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern
    1. 14. Hasta - Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern
    1. 15. Chitra - Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern
    1. 16. Swati - Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern
    1. 17. Vishakha - Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern
    1. 18. Anuradha - Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern
    1. 19. Jyeshtha - Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern
    1. 20. Mula - Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern
    1. 21. Purva Ashadha - Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern
    1. 22. Uttara Ashadha - Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern
    1. 23. Shravana - Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern
    1. 24. Dhanishtha - Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern
    1. 25. Shatabhishak - Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern
    1. 26. Purva Bhadrapada - Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern
    1. 27. Uttar Bhadrapada - Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern
    1. 28. Revati - Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern
  4. 4. Learn About you
      1. 1. New Series - Planets as Jaimini Karakas - Introductory Article
      1. 2. Sun as Atma Karaka
      1. 3. Sun as Amatya Karaka
      1. 4. Sun as Bhratru Karaka
      1. 5. Sun as Matru Karaka
      1. 6. San as Putra Karaka
      1. 7. Sun as Ghatani Karaka
      1. 8. Sun as Dara Karaka
      1. 9. Moon as Atma Karaka
      1. 10. Moon as Amatya Karaka
      1. 11. Moon as Bhratru Karaka
      1. 12. Moon as Matru Karaka
      1. 13. Moon as Putra Karaka
      1. 14. Moon as Ghatni Karaka
      1. 15. Moon as Dara Karaka
      1. 16. Mars as Atma Karaka
      1. 17. Mars as Amatya Karaka
      1. 18. Mars as Bhratru Karaka
      1. 19. Mars as Matru Karaka
      1. 20. Mars as Putra Karaka
      1. 21. Mars as Ghatni Karaka
      1. 22. Mars as Dara Karaka
      1. 23. Mercury as Atma Karaka
      1. 24. Mercury as Amatya Karaka
      1. 25. Mercury as Bhratru Karaka
      1. 26. Mercury as Matru Karaka
      1. 27. Mercury as Putra Karaka
      1. 28. Mercury as Ghatni Karaka
      1. 29. Mercury as Dara Karaka
      1. 30. Jupiter as Atma Karaka
      1. 31. Jupiter as Amatya Karaka
      1. 32. Jupiter as Bhratru Karaka
      1. 33. Jupiter as Matru Karaka
      1. 34. Jupiter as Putra Karaka
      1. 35. Jupiter as Ghatni Karaka
      1. 36. Jupiter as Dara Karaka
      1. 37. Venus as Atma Karaka
      1. 38. Venus as Amatya Karaka
      1. 39. Venus as Bhratru Karaka
      1. 40. Venus as Matru Karaka
      1. 41. Venus as Putra Karaka
      1. 42. Venus as Ghatni Karaka
      1. 43. Venus as Dara Karaka
      1. 44. Saturn as Atma Karaka
      1. 45. Saturn as Amatya Karaka
      1. 46. Saturn as Bhratru Karaka
      1. 47. Saturn as Matru Karaka
      1. 48. Saturn as Putra Karaka
      1. 49. Saturn as Ghatni Karaka
      1. 50. Saturn as Dara Karaka
      1. 51. A trick to use Jamini Karakas
    1. 2. Ascendants/Lagna
      1. 1. Ascendant Nakshatra and Life Pattern
      1. 2. Libra Ascendant
      1. 3. Aries Ascendant
      1. 4. Aquarius Ascendant
      1. 5. Pisces Ascendant
      1. 6. Scorpio Ascendant
      1. 7. Cancer Ascendant
      1. 8. Leo Ascendant
      1. 9. Sagittarius Ascendant
      1. 10. Capricorn Ascendants
      1. 11. Virgo Ascendants
      1. 12. Gemini Ascendant
      1. 13. Taurus Ascendant
      1. 14. Ascendant Analysis
      1. 15. Venus Retro Post, 2018
      1. 16. Planet as House Lords Ascendant Wise
      1. 17. Planet as House Lords - Virgo Ascendant
      1. 18. Planet as House Lords - Capricorn Ascendant
      1. 19. Planet as House Lords - Aquarius Ascendant
      1. 20. Planet as House Lords - Sagittarius Ascendant
      1. 21. Planet as House Lords - Leo Ascendant
      1. 22. Planet as House Lords - Cancer Ascendant
      1. 23. Planet as House Lords - Libra Ascendant
      1. 24. Planet as House Lords - Scorpio Ascendant
      1. 25. Planet as House Lords - Gemini Ascendant
      1. 26. Planet as House Lords - Pisces Ascendant
      1. 27. Planet as House Lords - Taurus Ascendant
      1. 28. Planet as House Lords - Aries Ascendant
      1. 29. My views on Aries Ascendant
      1. 30. My views on Taurus Ascendant
      1. 31. My views on Gemini Ascendant
      1. 32. My views on Cancer Ascendant:
      1. 33. My views on Leo Ascendants and some tips on Saturn
      1. 34. My views on Virgo Ascendant
      1. 35. My views on Libra Ascendant
      1. 36. My views on Scorpio Ascendant
      1. 37. My views on Capricorn Ascendant
      1. 38. My views on Aquarius Ascendant
      1. 39. My views on Pisces Ascendant
      1. 40. Lordship of Signs
      1. 41. Mool Trikona Signs
      1. 42. Basic Zodiac Sign Introduction
      1. 43. Ascendant Lord and Ascendant Nakshatra
    1. 3. Sun Sign
      1. 1. Sun in Aries/Exalted Sun
      1. 2. Sun in Taurus
      1. 3. Sun in Gemini
      1. 4. Sun in Cancer
      1. 5. Sun in Leo
      1. 6. Sun in Virgo
      1. 7. Sun in Libra/Debilitated Sun
      1. 8. Sun in Scorpio
      1. 9. Sun in Sagittarius
      1. 10. Sun in Capricorn
      1. 11. Sun in Aquarius
      1. 12. Sun in Pisces
    1. 4. Moon Sign
      1. 1. Moon in Virgo
      1. 2. Moon in Aries
      1. 3. Moon in Taurus/Exalted Moon
      1. 4. Moon in Gemini
      1. 5. Moon in Cancer
      1. 6. Moon in Leo
      1. 7. Moon in Libra
      1. 8. Moon in Scorpio/Debilitated Moon
      1. 9. Moon in Sagittarius
      1. 10. Moon in Capricorn
      1. 11. Moon in Aquarius
      1. 12. Moon in Pisces
    1. 5. Lord through Houses
      1. 3. 11th house lord sitting in 11th house
      1. 4. 11th house lord sitting in 9th house
      1. 5. 6th house lord sitting in 11th house
      1. 6. 4th house lord sitting in 12th house
      1. 7. 3rd house lord in 2nd house
      1. 8. 2nd house lord sitting in 6th house
      1. 9. 12th house lord in 6th house
      1. 10. 3rd house lord in 2nd house
      1. 11. First 1st house lord in First house/Ascendant
      1. 12. First 1st house lord in First house/Ascendant
      1. 13. Lords Through Houses & Signs
      1. 14. First House Lord in the First House/1st House Lord
      1. 15. First House Lord in the Second House/1st House Lor
      1. 16. First House Lord in the Third House/1st House Lord
      1. 17. First House Lord in the Forth House/1st House Lord
      1. 18. First House Lord in the Fifth House/1st House Lord
      1. 19. First House Lord in the Sixth House/1st House Lord
      1. 20. First House Lord in the Seventh House/1st House Lo
      1. 21. First House Lord in the Eighth House/1st House Lor
      1. 22. First House Lord in the Ninth House/1st House Lord
      1. 23. First House Lord in the Tenth House/1st House Lord
      1. 24. First House Lord in the Eleventh House/1st House L
      1. 25. First House Lord in the Twelfth House/1st House Lo
      1. 26. Second House Lord in the First House/2nd House Lor
      1. 27. Second House Lord in the Second House/2nd House Lo
      1. 28. Second House Lord in the Third House/2nd House Lor
      1. 29. Second House Lord in the Forth House/2nd House Lor
      1. 30. Second House Lord in the Fifth House/2nd House Lor
      1. 31. Second House Lord in the Sixth House/2nd House Lor
      1. 32. Second House Lord in the Seventh House/2nd House L
      1. 33. Second House Lord in the Eighth House/2nd House Lo
      1. 34. Second House Lord in the Ninth House/2nd House Lor
      1. 35. Second House Lord in the Tenth House/2nd House Lor
      1. 36. Second House Lord in the Eleventh House/2nd House
      1. 37. Second House Lord in the Twelfth House/2nd House L
      1. 38. Third House Lord in the First House/3rd House Lord
      1. 39. Third House Lord in the Second House/3rd House Lor
      1. 40. Third House Lord in the Third House/3rd House Lord
      1. 41. Third House Lord in the Forth House/3rd House Lord
      1. 42. Third House Lord in the Fifth House/3rd House Lord
      1. 43. Third House Lord in the Sixth House/3rd House Lord
      1. 44. Third House Lord in the Seventh House/3rd House Lo
      1. 45. Third House Lord in the Eighth House/3rd House Lor
      1. 46. Third House Lord in the Ninth House/3rd House Lord
      1. 47. Third House Lord in the Tenth House/3rd House Lord
      1. 48. Third House Lord in the Eleventh House/3rd House L
      1. 49. Third House Lord in the Twelfth House/3rd House Lo
      1. 50. Fourth House Lord in the First House/4th House Lor
      1. 51. Fourth House Lord in the Second House/4th House Lo
      1. 52. Fourth House Lord in the Third House/4th House Lor
      1. 53. Fourth House Lord in the Fourth House/4th House Lo
      1. 54. Fourth House Lord in the Fifth House/4th House Lor
      1. 55. Fourth House Lord in the Sixth House/4th House Lor
      1. 56. Fourth House Lord in the Seventh House/4th House L
      1. 57. Fourth House Lord in the Eighth House/4th House Lo
      1. 58. Fourth House Lord in the Ninth House/4th House Lor
      1. 59. Fourth House Lord in the Tenth House/4th House Lor
      1. 60. Fourth House Lord in the Eleventh House/4th House
      1. 61. Fifth House Lord in the First House/5th House Lord
      1. 62. Fifth House Lord in the Second House/5th House Lor
      1. 63. Fifth House Lord in the Third House/5th House Lord
      1. 64. Fifth House Lord in the Forth House/5th House Lord
      1. 65. Fifth House Lord in the Fifth House/5th House Lord
      1. 66. Fifth House Lord in the Sixth House/5th House Lord
      1. 67. Fifth House Lord in the Seventh House/5th House Lo
      1. 68. Fifth House Lord in the Eighth House/5th House Lor
      1. 69. Fifth House Lord in the Ninth House/5th House Lord
      1. 70. Fifth House Lord in the Tenth House/5th House Lord
      1. 71. Fifth House Lord in the Eleventh House/5th House L
      1. 72. Fifth House Lord in the Twelfth House/5th House Lo
      1. 73. Sixth House Lord in the First House/6th House Lord
      1. 74. Sixth House Lord in the Second House/6th House Lor
      1. 75. Sixth House Lord in the Third House/6th House Lord
      1. 76. Sixth House Lord in the Forth House/6th House Lord
      1. 77. Sixth House Lord in the Fifth House/6th House Lord
      1. 78. Sixth House Lord in the Sixth House/6th House Lord
      1. 79. Sixth House Lord in the Seventh House/6th House Lo
      1. 80. Sixth House Lord in the Eighth House/6th House Lor
      1. 81. Sixth House Lord in the Ninth House/6th House Lord
      1. 82. Sixth House Lord in the Tenth House/6th House Lord
      1. 83. Sixth House Lord in the Twelfth House/6th House Lo
      1. 84. Seventh House Lord in the First House/7th House Lo
      1. 85. Seventh House Lord in the Second House/7th House L
      1. 86. Seventh House Lord in the Third House/7th House Lo
      1. 87. Seventh House Lord in the Fourth House/7th House L
      1. 88. Seventh House Lord in the Fifth House/7th House Lo
      1. 89. Seventh House Lord in the Sixth House/7th House Lo
      1. 90. Seventh House Lord in the Eighth House/7th House L
      1. 91. Seventh House Lord in the Ninth House/7th House Lo
      1. 92. Seventh House Lord in the Tenth House/7th House Lo
      1. 93. Seventh House Lord in the Eleventh House/7th House
      1. 94. Seventh House Lord in the Twelfth House/7th House
      1. 95. Eighth House Lord in the First House/8th House Lor
      1. 96. Eighth House Lord in the Second House/8th House Lo
      1. 97. Eighth House Lord in the Third House/8th House Lor
      1. 98. Eighth House Lord in the Fourth House/8th House Lo
      1. 99. Eighth House Lord in the Fifth House/8th House Lor
      1. 100. Eighth House Lord in the Sixth House/8th House Lor
      1. 101. Eighth House Lord in the Seventh House/8th House L
      1. 102. Eighth House Lord in the Eighth House/8th House Lo
      1. 103. Eighth House Lord in the Ninth House/8th House Lor
      1. 104. Eighth House Lord in the Tenth House/8th House Lor
      1. 105. Eighth House Lord in the Eleventh House/8th House
      1. 106. Eighth House Lord in the Twelfth House/8th House L
      1. 107. Ninth House Lord in the First House/9th House Lord
      1. 108. Ninth House Lord in the Second House/9th House Lor
      1. 109. Ninth House Lord in the Third House/9th House Lord
      1. 110. Ninth House Lord in the Fourth House/9th House Lor
      1. 111. Ninth House Lord in the Fifth House/9th House Lord
      1. 112. Ninth House Lord in the Sixth House/9th House Lord
      1. 113. Ninth House Lord in the Seventh House/9th House Lo
      1. 114. Ninth House Lord in the Eighth House/9th House Lor
      1. 115. Ninth House Lord in the Ninth House/9th House Lord
      1. 116. Ninth House Lord in the Tenth House/9th House Lord
      1. 117. Ninth House Lord in the Eleventh House/9th House L
      1. 118. Ninth House Lord in the Twelfth House/9th House Lo
      1. 119. Tenth House Lord in the First House/10th House Lor
      1. 120. Tenth House Lord in the Second House/10th House Lo
      1. 121. Tenth House Lord in the Third House/10th House Lor
      1. 122. Tenth House Lord in the Fourth House/10th House Lo
      1. 123. Tenth House Lord in the Fifth House/10th House Lor
      1. 124. Tenth House Lord in the Sixth House/10th House Lor
      1. 125. Tenth House Lord in the Seventh House/10th House L
      1. 126. Tenth House Lord in the Eighth House/10th House Lo
      1. 127. Tenth House Lord in the Ninth House/10th House Lor
      1. 128. Tenth House Lord in the Tenth House/10th House Lor
      1. 129. Tenth House Lord in the Eleventh House/10th House
      1. 130. Tenth House Lord in the Twelfth House/10th House L
      1. 131. Eleventh House Lord in the First House/11th House
      1. 132. Eleventh House Lord in the Second House/11th House
      1. 133. Eleventh House Lord in the Third House/11th House
      1. 134. Eleventh House Lord in the Forth House/11th House
      1. 135. Eleventh House Lord in the Fifth House/11th House
      1. 136. Eleventh House Lord in the Sixth House/11th House
      1. 137. Eleventh House Lord in the Seventh House/11th Hous
      1. 138. Eleventh House Lord in the Eighth House/11th House
      1. 139. Eleventh House Lord in the Tenth House/11th House
      1. 140. Eleventh House Lord in the Twelfth House/11th Hous
      1. 141. Twelfth House Lord in the First House/12th House L
      1. 142. Twelfth House Lord in the Second House/12th House
      1. 143. Twelfth House Lord in the Third House/12th House L
      1. 144. Twelfth House Lord in the Fourth House/12th House
      1. 145. Twelfth House Lord in the Fifth House/12th House L
      1. 146. Twelfth House Lord in the Sixth House/12th House L
      1. 147. Twelfth House Lord in the Seventh House/12th House
      1. 148. Twelfth House Lord in the Eighth House/12th House
      1. 149. Twelfth House Lord in the Ninth House/12th House L
      1. 150. Twelfth House Lord in the Eleventh House/12th Hous
      1. 151. Twelfth House Lord in the Twelfth House/12th House
    1. 6. FAQ
    1. 7. YouTube Sessions on Important Topics
      1. 1. Session 1 - Origin of Astrology
      1. 2. Session 2 - Branches of Astrology
      1. 3. Session 3 - Questions or Concerns or Doubts on Astrology
      1. 4. Session 4 - My Approach Towards Astrology
      1. 5. Session 5 - Classification of Houses in an Astrological Chart
      1. 6. Session 6 - Understanding Gunas of Nature and their connection with Astrology
      1. 7. Session 7 - Making of a Chart, Kundalini and Chakra Energy
      1. 8. Short Q&A Session on Veg Vs Non Veg Food and Gunas of Nature
      1. 9. Session 8 - Representation of Houses - Houses 1 and 2
      1. 10. Session 9 - Gunas of the Nature and their impact on human life
      1. 11. YouTube Videos on the year 2025
      1. 12. Session on Dhanishtha Nakshatra
      1. 13. Video Session on getting aligned with chart & impo
      1. 14. Session on Debilitated Planets
      1. 15. Session on exaltation/debilitation of Nodes
      1. 16. Session on Shatabhishak Nakshatra
      1. 17. Video Session on importance of aspects in general
      1. 18. Session on Purva-Bhadrapada Nakshatra
      1. 19. Video Session on How to Interpret Moon's aspec
      1. 20. interview with FB Group Astro Vedic Enthusiasts (A
      1. 21. Part 2 of Interview with FB Group Astro Vedic Enth
      1. 22. Video Session on Interpretation of Aspects of Merc
      1. 23. Session on Jupiter's transit in Sagittarius
      1. 24. If Dushthana Lords and Malefic Planets should be w
      1. 25. Session on Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra
      1. 26. Video Session on importance of aspects of Venus
      1. 27. Session on on Nodes at 1st house/7th house axis
      1. 28. Session on Revati Nakshatra
      1. 29. Video Session on Importance of aspects of Mars & a
      1. 30. Session on Nodes at 2nd house/8th house axis
      1. 31. Session on Nodes at 3rd house/9th house
      1. 32. Let's Go Live Again - 9th Oct, 2021
      1. 33. Session on Nodes at 4th house/10th house axis
      1. 34. Session on Jupiter's Aspects
      1. 35. Session on on Nodes at 5th house/11th house axis
      1. 36. Session with Thais of wwwthetruthcombr on Relation
      1. 37. First Facebook Live Introduction, Theme and Mercur
      1. 38. Session on Saturn's Aspects
      1. 39. How to predict an event?
      1. 40. Video Session on Exalted/Debilitated/Retrograde Pl
      1. 41. Session on Nodes at 6th house/12th house axis
      1. 42. Discussion on Interpretation of charts based on Sc
      1. 43. Session on Venus Current Transits & Nodal Aspects
      1. 44. Awareness Hour - Session # 1
      1. 45. My views on how to read D-1 Chart for major events
      1. 46. Awareness Hour - Session #1 - Universe doesn't
      1. 47. Session on Nodes at Aries/Libra Axis
      1. 48. Awareness Hour - Session #2 - How to find a Real G
      1. 49. Sesion on dis-connection between Astrology & Marri
      1. 50. My views on Vargottama Planets and Karmic Debt inv
      1. 51. Session on Nodes at Taurus/Scorpio axis
      1. 52. Session on Stellium in Capricorn in Jan-Feb, 2021
      1. 53. Session on Saturn transit in Capricorn
      1. 54. My views on effects of Dushthana House Lords and S
      1. 55. Facebook Session on Importance of Dashas
      1. 56. My views on Sandhi Conjunction, Sandhi Aspect, San
      1. 57. Session on Antardasha Analysis & Saturn's MD
      1. 58. Session on Retrograde Planets in General
      1. 59. Session on Nodes at Gemini/Sagittarius axis
      1. 60. Session on Mercury's MD
      1. 61. Session on Ketu MD
      1. 62. My views on Karmic Relationship and Combust Planet
      1. 63. Session on Jupiter's Transit in Scorpio in 201
      1. 64. Session on Nodes at Cancer/Capricorn axis
      1. 65. My views on how to read overall transits and trans
      1. 66. Session on Venus MD
      1. 67. My views on meaning of Mars Transits
      1. 68. Session on Nodes at Leo/Aquarius axis
      1. 69. My views on meaning of MercuryTransits
      1. 70. Session on Sun MD
      1. 71. Session on Nodes at Virgo/Pisces axis
      1. 72. Session on Moon MD
      1. 73. Session on D9 chart and it's irrelevance in ma
      1. 74. My views on meaning of Venus Transits
      1. 75. Session on Introduction of Nakshatra
      1. 76. Session on Mars MD
      1. 77. Session on Ashwini Nakshatra
      1. 78. My views on meaning of Jupiter Transits
      1. 79. Session with Wendy
      1. 80. Session on Rahu MD
      1. 81. Session on Bharani Nakshatra
      1. 82. My views on Saturn Transit in Sagittarius and Jupi
      1. 83. Session on Jupiter MD
      1. 84. Session on Krittita Nakshatra in Aries Sign
      1. 85. My views on Saturn's normal transits
      1. 86. Session on Krittita Nakshatra in TaurusSign
      1. 87. My views on Rahu and Ketu Transits
      1. 88. Session on Timing of Child Birth
      1. 89. Session on Rohini Nakshatra
      1. 90. Session on Steps to find Career Path
      1. 91. Session on Mrigashira Nakshatra in Taurus sign
      1. 92. Session on timing of relationship and separation
      1. 93. Session on Mrigashira Nakshatra in Gemini sign
      1. 94. Session on Ardra Nakshatra
      1. 95. Interview with FB Group Astro Vedic Enthusiasts (
      1. 96. Session on Punarvasu Nakshatra in Gemini Section
      1. 97. Session on how to deal with planets in wrong digni
      1. 98. Session on upcoming Saturn-Ketu transit
      1. 99. Session on Punarvasu Nakshatra in Cancer Section
      1. 100. Session on Wealth through Astrology
      1. 101. Session on Pushya Nakshatra
      1. 102. Session on Introduction of Yogas and Saraswati Yog
      1. 103. Session on Ashlesha Nakshatra
      1. 104. Session on Dhan Yoga and Raaj Yoga
      1. 105. Session on Neech Bhang Raaj Yoga and Vipreet Raaj
      1. 106. Session on Magh Nakshatra
      1. 107. Session on Paap Kartari Yoga and Shubh Kartari Yog
      1. 108. Session on Purva-Phalguni Nakshatra
      1. 109. Session on Buddhaditya Yoga and Kemdrum Yoga
      1. 110. Session on Nodes transits in Taurus/Scorpio
      1. 111. Q&A session on Jupiter's transit in Aquarius
      1. 112. Session on Guru Chandal Yoga and Gaj Kesari Yoga
      1. 113. Session on Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
      1. 114. Session on Hasta Nakshatra
      1. 115. Session on Chitra Nakshatra
      1. 116. Session on Swati Nakshatra
      1. 117. Session on Kaal Sarp Yoga and Mangalik Yoga
      1. 118. Session on Vishakha Nakshatra
      1. 119. Session on Shrapit Yoga
      1. 120. Session on Panch Mahapurush Yoga
      1. 121. Session on Anuradha Nakshatra
      1. 122. Session on Parivartan Yoga
      1. 123. Session on Jyeshtha Nakshatra
      1. 124. My Views on various astrological questions and con
      1. 125. Session on Moola Nakshatra
      1. 126. Session on Shakat yoga & Dharma-Karma Adhipati Yog
      1. 127. FB Live on Parivartan Yoga
      1. 128. My views on Parivartan Yoga
      1. 129. Session on Purva Ashadha Nakshatra
      1. 130. Session on current transits and impact on relation
      1. 131. Session on Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra
      1. 132. My views on Retrograde Planets
      1. 133. My views on Upachaya Houses
      1. 134. Session on Abhijeet Nakshatra
      1. 135. My views on Sadhe Sati
      1. 136. Why different Astrologers interpret Astrology diff
      1. 137. My views on how to read D-9 and D-10 chart?
      1. 138. My views on Dhaiya Transits of Saturn
      1. 139. Session on Shravana Nakshatra
      1. 140. Session on Saturn Return and other Saturn transits
      1. 141. Different levels of representations in a horoscope
  5. 5. Beyond Astrology
    1. 1. Spiritual Musings
      1. 1. Being-ness by a student Rahul
      1. 2. Spiritual Musings - Bhagwad Gita
      1. 3. DOING is part of HAPPENING
      1. 4. Manifestation
      1. 5. The Truman Show - An Amazing Metaphor
      1. 6. Understanding The Metaphor - Bhishma Vadh in The Mahabharata
      1. 7. Divine Will - A Device
      1. 8. An article on Lord Krishna by a student Rahul
      1. 9. The Superhuman Society
      1. 10. Being Equal Vs Being Unique
      1. 11. Choiceless Awareness: Moving from Doing to Happening
      1. 12. Spiritual Musings - 7
      1. 13. Spiritual Musings - 8
      1. 14. Spiritual Musings - 14
      1. 15. Population Explosion - Spiritual Insights
      1. 16. Spiritual Confusions
      1. 17. Astrology and Spirituality
      1. 18. Video Session on Chart of Spiritual Person
      1. 19. Materialism Vs Spirituality
      1. 20. Say Yes To Life
      1. 21. Guidance to resolve Fear & Insecurities
      1. 22. The Butterfly Effect
      1. 23. Exploitation
      1. 24. Spiritual Musings - 1 - Existence and Evolution
      1. 25. Spiritual Musings - 2
      1. 26. Spiritual Musings - 3
      1. 27. Spiritual Devices
      1. 28. Spiritual Musings - 4
      1. 29. Universal Conspiracy
      1. 30. Internalizing Thoughts and Feelings
      1. 31. Spiritual Musings - 5
      1. 32. Spiritual Musings - 6
      1. 33. Spiritual Musings - 7 Should Be or Would Be
      1. 34. Spiritual Musing - 12
      1. 35. Spiritual Musings - 8
      1. 36. Spiritual Musing - 13
      1. 37. Spiritual Musings 9
      1. 38. Spiritual Musings - 10
      1. 39. Spiritual Musing - 11
      1. 40. Everything is Happening
      1. 41. Astrological Chart = Google Map of our life
      1. 42. Planets in 12th house and Spirituality
      1. 43. WhyMe, Doer and Maya
      1. 44. Spiritual Musing - 14
    1. 2. Fate Vs Free Will
      1. 1. Fate Vs Free Will Revisited Yet Again (Seventh)
      1. 2. Fate Vs Free Will - Revisited Yet Again Eighth
      1. 3. Doer Vs Non-Doer
      1. 4. Fate Vs Free Will - Revisited Again :)
      1. 5. Fate Vs Free Will - Revisited, yet again (Fourth)
      1. 6. Guest Post by Rhea - Fate Vs Free Will
      1. 7. Fate Vs Free Will - Part 1 (Fifth)
      1. 8. Fate Vs Free Will - Part 2
      1. 9. Session on Fate Vs Free Will
      1. 10. Fate Vs Free Will & Soul's Evolution
    1. 3. Guru
      1. 1. Success Mantra by Guru
      1. 2. Who is a Guru? - Revisited
      1. 3. Following a Guru
      1. 4. How to Find The Real Guru?
      1. 5. Who is a Guru?
      1. 6. Guest Post by Filpi on Guru Purnima
      1. 7. Frauds, Charlatans or Genuine Guru
      1. 8. Happy Guru Purnima
      1. 9. Guru Purnima, 2023
      1. 10. Why Spiritual Gurus Visit The USA?
    1. 4. Meditation and Kundalini
      1. 1. Astrology, Kundalini Energy and Chakra Activation
      1. 2. Occult, Meditation and Prevention of Crimes.
      1. 3. Meditation or Yoga
      1. 4. Talks on Astrology, Osho, Meditation, Books and Sp
      1. 5. Meditation
      1. 6. Astrology, Kundalini Energy and Chakra Activation
      1. 7. Mindful Meditation - Mind Matters
    1. 5. Relationship Issues
      1. 1. Cheating or Betrayal in Relationship - My Opinion
      1. 2. Views on Relationship/Marriage shared by a student Rahul
      1. 3. Some of the reasons behind Sexual Offences
      1. 5. Relationship Issues - Best Remedy
      1. 6. Narcissism, Relationship and How to handle the sit
      1. 7. Need for Change in Approach
      1. 8. Violence
      1. 9. Divorce - A Social Phenomenon
      1. 10. Lack of Relationship Capacity
      1. 11. How much Astrology can help in relationship matter
      1. 12. What helps in sustaining relationship?
      1. 13. Changing Indian Society and Divorce
      1. 14. Why Two Horoscopes will never match?
      1. 15. Savior Syndrome and Relationships
      1. 16. Some Common Reasons Behind Relationship Issues
      1. 17. Difficulties of 1st house/7th house lords
      1. 18. Relationship Issues and Child Birth
      1. 19. Approach towards Relationship Astrology
      1. 20. Relationship Astrology
      1. 21. Infidelity seen through Astrology
    1. 6. Life and Death
      1. 1. Life & Desire to Live
      1. 2. Success and Depression
      1. 3. The Death
    1. 7. Ego Consciousness
      1. 1. Relationship Synastry and Human Ego
      1. 2. Global Events and Human Consciousness
      1. 3. C-Section and Human Ego
      1. 4. Sin of I & Sin of Mine
      1. 5. Ego Consciousness & Believers/Disbelievers/Doubter
    1. 8. Beyond Mundane Approach of Astrology
      1. 1. Astrological Chart - To Do List or Task At Hand
      1. 2. An article on Rahu-Ketu by a student Rahul
      1. 3. Astrological Analogy
      1. 4. What is the Purpose?
      1. 5. Pitra Dosh
      1. 6. Awareness is Bliss
      1. 7. Omens & Indications - 2
      1. 8. All Actions are for Self
      1. 9. Need for Remedies
      1. 10. Omens and Indications - 2
      1. 11. Awareness - Best Remedy
      1. 12. Perfect Prediction
      1. 13. Morality is not a Favor
      1. 14. Remedies - My Views - General Rule & Exceptions.
      1. 15. Approach towards Planetary Dashas
      1. 16. Random thoughts during isolation
      1. 17. Business Advice
      1. 18. Omens and Indications - 3
      1. 19. Counselling Experience
      1. 20. Consciousness and Purpose of Astrology - I
      1. 21. Consciousness and Purpose of Astrology - II
      1. 22. Consciousness and Purpose of Astrology - III
      1. 23. Proactiveness - Purpose of Astrology
      1. 24. The Law of Attraction Vs Astrology
      1. 25. Fate Vs Free Will - Opinion (Sixth)
      1. 26. Elements - Satva - Rajas - Tamas
      1. 27. Astrology Vs Astrologer
      1. 28. Career in Business
      1. 29. Destiny
      1. 30. Meditation - The Only Remedy
      1. 31. We all are connected
      1. 32. No Marriage Related Consultations
      1. 33. Call for an action
      1. 34. Is My Chart Good or Bad?
      1. 35. Is My Chart Good or Bad? - 2
      1. 36. Past-Life Karma and its impact on Present Life
      1. 37. Omens and Indications
      1. 38. Remedies and Gemstones - Revisit
      1. 39. Looking at Own Horoscope
      1. 40. Q&A Beyond Astrology
      1. 41. Astrologer and Prosperity
      1. 42. Karmic Debt - Revisited
      1. 43. Conception Chart Vs Birth Chart
      1. 44. Commercialization of Astrology - Money Matters
      1. 45. Re-incarnation & Astrology
      1. 46. Karmic Impact on Astrologer through Astrological S
      1. 47. Human Desires & Fake Occultists - Karmic Impact on
      1. 48. Rahu & Ketu - Mythological Story
  6. 6. Interpretations on Rumi's Poems/Quotes
    1. 1. Interpretation of Rumi's Poems & Quotes - Introduction
    1. 2. My interpretation on Rumi's poem - "Vultures"
    1. 3. Interpretation of Rumi Poem Capacity
    1. 4. My interpretation of Rumi's Poem - "Earthly Knowledge"
    1. 5. My Interpretation of Rumi Poem - Delusion
    1. 6. My Interpretation of Rumi Poem Dark Night of the Soul
    1. 7. Interpretation on Rumi Poem - A Gift to bring to you
    1. 8. Interpretation of Rumi Poem - At The Party
    1. 9. Interpretation of Rumi Poem - Realization
    1. 10. Interpretation on Rumi poem - The Mosque
    1. 11. Interpretation on Rumi Poem - Light on Rubbish
    1. 12. Interpretation of Rumi Poem - Waiting
    1. 13. Interpretation of Rumi Poem - Seeds
    1. 14. Interpretation of Rumi Poem - The Master
    1. 15. Interpretation of Rumi Poem – The Trials and The Tribulations
    1. 16. Interpretation of Rumi Poem – Mirror Image
  7. 7. Additional Important Learning
    1. 1. Important Astrological Concepts
      1. 1. An article on dignity of Planets by a student named Rahul
      1. 2. Article on Planet Movement by a student Rahul
      1. 3. An Article on Vargottama Planets by a student Rahul
      1. 4. Dashas of Atma Karaka and Amatya Karaka
      1. 5. Exaltation and Debilitation of Nodes
      1. 6. Highest Expression of each ascendant
      1. 7. Nodal Aspects
      1. 8. Planetary Positions of Addiction
      1. 9. Friends as per Astrology
      1. 10. Vedha and Vipreet Vedha Positions of Planets
      1. 11. Interpretation of Planetary Position
      1. 12. Astrology and Fame
      1. 14. Concept of Who, How, What & Where?
      1. 15. Planetary Positions to do Business
      1. 16. Planetary Positions related with Wealth
      1. 17. Planetary Positions which are tough to initiate a
      1. 18. Importance of Nodal Return
      1. 19. Importance of Jupiter Return
      1. 20. Timing of Child Birth
      1. 21. Kind of partner one may attract in life
      1. 22. How to do Birth-Time Rectification?
      1. 23. Why results differ for similar charts?
      1. 24. Timing of getting a Job
      1. 25. Planetary Placement for Legal Troubles
      1. 26. Early Success Vs Late Success in Life
      1. 27. Concept of Maturity Ages of Planets
      1. 28. Concept of Mrityu Bhaga
      1. 29. Rebellious Nature as per Astrology
      1. 30. 8th House & Treasures Involved
      1. 31. Compatibility for Love Marriage
      1. 32. Most Accurate System of Astrology
      1. 33. Different Systems/Streams in Astrology
      1. 34. Dushthana Houses, Accidents, Surgeries and other i
      1. 35. Karanas in Astrology
      1. 36. Concept of Argala
      1. 37. Trimshamsha Chart (D-30)
      1. 38. How to interpret different combinations?
      1. 39. Concept of Gullika/Mandi
      1. 40. Best Possible Results of a Dasha
      1. 41. Sun-Nodes Intersection, 2017
      1. 42. Sharing Birth Details Online
      1. 43. Change in Belief System as per Astrology
      1. 44. Reasons behind Exaltation and Debilitation of Plan
      1. 45. Paradoxical Chart
      1. 46. Concept of Jeeva Karaka a
      1. 47. Bhrigu Bindu (BB)
      1. 48. Jeeva Karaka & Ajeeva Karaka - Explained
      1. 49. Impact of Transit Planets over Natal Chart Planets
      1. 50. Soul Purpose of Atma Karaka Planet
      1. 51. Timing of Loss of Work or Business
      1. 52. Eating Disorders
      1. 53. Retrograde Planet Dasha
      1. 54. Introvert Vs Extrovert
      1. 55. Rashi Tulya Navamsha
      1. 56. Empty Houses in Astrological Chart
      1. 57. Masculine Vs Feminine use of Chart
      1. 58. Concept of Shoonya Tithi Rashi
      1. 59. Mental Reception of Event
      1. 60. Mahavidyas in Astrology
      1. 61. Non-Manifestation of Planetary Results & Karmic Re
      1. 62. Concept of Frozen Grahas
      1. 63. Retrograde Planets and their impact
      1. 64. Multiple Aspects on one House
      1. 65. Purpose of Divisional Charts
      1. 66. How to deal with Planets in wrong dignity?
      1. 67. Concept of Sandhi Conjunction, Sandhi Aspect & San
      1. 68. Retrograde Planets and results of preceding house
      1. 69. Astro-Cartography Chart and its use
      1. 70. Planetary Placements for Fear, Panic and Anxiety
      1. 71. Predictions through Bhrigu Nadi Jyotish and my con
      1. 72. Planet in a Sign/Nakshatra
      1. 73. Concept of Desh Kaal Paristhiti - Revisited
      1. 74. Questions and Responses
      1. 75. Planetary Results as per Nature and Dignity of Pla
      1. 76. Introduction of Medical Astrology
      1. 77. Concept of Dwij Dasha
      1. 78. Fame After Physical Death
      1. 79. Relocation and Change in Results
      1. 80. Questions and Responses - July, 2019
      1. 81. Guidance on Career through Houses
      1. 82. Planetary Positions related with Suicide or attemp
      1. 83. Maturity Age of Planets?
      1. 84. Concept of Pushkar Navamsha & Pushkar Bhaga
      1. 85. Concept of Tara Bala
      1. 86. Negative Predictions Vs Positive Predictions
      1. 87. Foreign Lands
      1. 88. Evolution Through Astrology
      1. 89. Muhurt of C-Section
      1. 90. Jeeva Karaka & Ajeeva Karaka - Revisited
      1. 91. Some Important Questions & My Responses
      1. 92. Nodes and Illusion
      1. 93. Darakaraka and its interpretations
      1. 94. Divisional Charts and their right interpretations
      1. 95. Panpsychism & Mythological Stories in Astrology
      1. 96. How to predict an event astrologically?
      1. 97. Outer Planets and their interpretation
      1. 98. Dreams in Astrology
      1. 99. Bhav Chalit Chart and its use
      1. 100. Special Lagnas in Vedic Astrology
      1. 101. D-2 Chart or Hora Chart and its use
      1. 102. Prashna Kundali and its use
      1. 103. Impact of Combust Planets in Life
      1. 104. D-7 chart/Saptamsha Chart and the way to interpret
      1. 105. Progression Chart and Muntha
      1. 106. Mahadasha Activation and its results
      1. 107. Life Path through Astrology
      1. 108. Bhava Chalit Chart - Basic Information
      1. 109. Understanding Retrograde Planets
      1. 110. Dissatisfactory Mahadasha Results
      1. 111. Lack of Joint Impact of Jupiter-Saturn transits
      1. 112. Weak Dushthana Lords are good?
      1. 113. Fame as per Astrology
      1. 114. Everything is in Addition
      1. 115. Everything is in Addition - 2
      1. 116. How to see Longevity through Astrology?
      1. 117. Career Consultation - Steps
      1. 118. Dasha Results - Favorable/Not Favorable
      1. 119. Understanding The Metaphor – Churning of Ocean
      1. 120. Concept of Dasha Pravesh
      1. 121. Transits from Ascendant or Moon?
      1. 122. Life-Long Health Issues
      1. 123. Past-Life Expertise
      1. 124. Career at Birth Place
      1. 125. Jeeva Karaka & Ajeeva Karaka
      1. 126. Application of Karaka-Nasha Bhava
      1. 127. Arudha Lagna
      1. 128. Upapada Lagna
      1. 129. Kendra-Adhipati Dosha
      1. 130. Degrees in Horoscope
      1. 131. Dasha Activation
      1. 132. Importance of Current Transit in Predictions
      1. 133. Time Based Predictions
      1. 134. Basic Horoscope Introduction
      1. 135. Foreign Travels
      1. 136. Mahadasha Results
      1. 137. Karakas of Astrology - 1
      1. 138. Karakas of Astrology - 2
      1. 139. Bhavat Bhavam
      1. 140. House to House
      1. 141. Timing of buying a home
      1. 142. Series - Aspects of Planets in Astrology
      1. 143. Concept of Yogi, Avayogi and Duplicate Yogi Planet
      1. 144. Concept of Cancellation and its reality
      1. 145. Planetary Positions for Tough Relations
      1. 146. Role of Aatma Karaka & Amatya Karaka in Career
      1. 147. Effect of Combust or Retrograde Exalted Planet
      1. 148. How to know traits/characteristics of a particular
      1. 149. Steps of reading a horoscope
      1. 150. Considering Planets as Persons/Individuals
      1. 151. How to find Ishta-Devata?
      1. 152. Bhrigu Bindu (BB) - Destiny Point
      1. 153. Shastiamsha Chart (D-60) and Mula Dasha
      1. 154. Navamsha Chart (D-9) and way to read it.
      1. 155. Dashamsha Chart (D-10) and way to read it
      1. 156. Brief Introduction of Jaimini Astrology
      1. 157. Basic Introduction of Lal Kitaab
      1. 158. Concept of Shadbala, ie the Six Folded Strength
      1. 159. Ashtakoot System of Charts Matching
      1. 160. Sarvashtakvarga Tables & Ashtakvarga Table
      1. 161. Finding the right Muhurt/Auspicious Time
      1. 162. Vimshopak Strength of Planets in Divisional Charts
      1. 163. Lajjitadi Avasthas of Planets
      1. 164. Ashtakoot System of Matching Horoscopes - 2
      1. 165. Friendship/Enmity of Planets
      1. 166. Marana-Karaka Positions of Planets
      1. 167. Gandanta Point or Gandanta Degrees
      1. 168. Planets in Different Degrees
      1. 169. Introvert & Extrovert Use of Astrology
      1. 170. Upachaya Houses
      1. 171. Combust Planets
      1. 172. Aspects of Planets in Astrology
      1. 173. Conjunctions of Planets
      1. 174. Relationship of Planets
      1. 175. Speed of Planets
      1. 176. Exaltation & Debilitation of Planets
      1. 177. Planet's Strength Table
      1. 178. Direction of Movement of Planets
      1. 179. Functional Benefic and Functional Malefic Planets
      1. 180. Badhakesh Planets
      1. 181. Reasons behind Frienship and Enmity of planets
      1. 182. Dasha Pravesh
      1. 183. Vargottama Planet
    1. 2. Important Annual Transit of Planets
      1. 1. Saturn in Pisces Transit, 2025
      1. 2. Transit of Rahu in Aquarius Sign from May 2025 to Dec 2026
      1. 3. Transit of Ketu in Leo Sign from May 2025 to Dec 2026
      1. 4. Transit of Jupiter in Gemini Sign from May 2025
      1. 5. Joint Impact on Sagittarius Sign from May 2025 to May 2026
      1. 6. Joint Impact of Jupiter and Rahu transits from May 2025
      1. 7. Joint Impact on Earth Signs from March to May 2025
      1. 8. Mars in Aquarius Transit March 2024
      1. 9. Interpreting Yogas during Annual Transits
      1. 10. Transit of Jupiter in Taurus in 2024-25
      1. 11. Joint Impact (JI) of Rahu-Jupiter-Saturn on Scorpio sign during 2024-25
      1. 12. Jupiter-Ketu Joint Impact on Earth Signs during 2024-25
      1. 13. Transit of Jupiter in Krittika Nakshatra, 2024
      1. 14. Transit of Mars in Pisces 2024
      1. 15. Jupiter Transit in Taurus 2024 Important Links
      1. 16. Energy Accumulation in TaurusScorpio Axis
      1. 17. Mars in Aries transit 2024
      1. 18. Mars Transit in Taurus 2024
      1. 19. Maraka Impact during 2024-25
      1. 20. Mars Direct and Retrograde Transits in Gemini and Cancer in 2024-25
      1. 21. Stellium in Pisces in 2025
      1. 22. Mars Transit in Cancer 2024-25
      1. 23. 2025
      1. 24. Direct and Retrograde Transit of Venus in Pisces in 2025
      1. 25. Rahu-Saturn JI on Libra for Sagittarius Asc
      1. 26. Transit of Mars in Gemini, 2023
      1. 27. Jup-Sat-Nodes JI on Sagittarius Asc
      1. 28. Rahu-Jupiter-Saturn JI on Aries and Leo, 2023-24
      1. 29. Venus Debilitation and Retro in Libra, 2018
      1. 30. Transit of Mars in Libra, 2023
      1. 31. Rahu-Saturn JI on Libra for Capricorn Asc
      1. 32. Jup-Sat-Nodes JI on Capricorn Asc
      1. 33. Rahu-Saturn JI on Libra for Aquarius Asc
      1. 34. Jup-Sat-Nodes JI on Aquarius Asc
      1. 35. Rahu-Saturn JI on Libra for Pisces Asc
      1. 36. Transit of Mars in Leo in July, 2021
      1. 37. Jup-Sat-Nodes JI on Pisces Asc
      1. 38. Ketu’s Transit in Virgo in Oct-Nov, 2023
      1. 39. Rahu-Saturn JI on Scorpio sign during 2023-25
      1. 40. Saturn Direct in Sagittarius, 2018
      1. 41. Saturn Transit in Capricorn from Jan, 2020 to Jan,
      1. 42. Transit of Jupiter in Sagittarius in 2019-20
      1. 43. Transit of Jupiter in Libra in 2017-18
      1. 44. Joint Impact of Jupiter & Saturn during the year 2
      1. 45. Rahu’s Transit in Cancer in Sep 2017
      1. 46. Ketu’s Transit in Capricorn in Sep 2017
      1. 47. Jupiter-Saturn Conjunct in Capricorn
      1. 48. Lunar Eclipse, 2023 Article by Filpi- A Wellness
      1. 49. Eclipse Season - My little understanding of Eclips
      1. 50. Nodal Transit 2023 - Important Links
      1. 51. Jupiter in Libra Transit - Conclusion
      1. 52. Mars Transit in Virgo, Sep-2021
      1. 53. Mars's transit into Libra
      1. 54. Transit of Mars in Scorpio, 2023
      1. 55. Transit of Rahu in Krittika Nakshatra
      1. 56. Transit of Mars in Sagittarius, 2023
      1. 57. 2024
      1. 58. Mars Transit in Aquarius, 2018
      1. 59. Transit of Stellium in Sagittarius
      1. 60. Transit of Mars in Libra in Oct, 2021
      1. 61. Year of Retrograde Transits, 2018
      1. 62. Annual Transits - Nov, 2018
      1. 63. Transit of Jupiter in Scorpio in 2018-19
      1. 64. Joint Impact on Jupiter-Rahu transit between Oct,
      1. 65. Saturn transit in Purva Ashadha, 2018
      1. 66. Transit of Mars in Scorpio
      1. 67. Transit of Mars in Scorpio
      1. 68. Transit of Stellium in Capricorn
      1. 69. Impacts of Jupiter in Scorpio Transit, 2018
      1. 70. Transit of Mars in Scorpio in Dec, 2021
      1. 71. Sun's Difficult Transit, Dec-2018
      1. 72. Mars Transit in Pisces, 2018
      1. 73. Venus Transit & Retrograde in Capricorn in 2021-22
      1. 74. Important Astrological Events of 2022
      1. 75. Accumulated Results of Transits, Jan-2019
      1. 76. Eclipse - Sun-Nodes Intersection
      1. 77. Mars Transit in Sagittarius Feb-Mar, 2020
      1. 78. Difficult and Positive Transits, July-2019
      1. 79. Transit of Jupiter in Capricorn in 2020-21
      1. 80. Transit of Mars in Sagittarius in Jan, 2022
      1. 81. Saturn Retro in Sagittarius, 2019
      1. 82. Rahu in Aries Transit March-April, 2022
      1. 83. Mars Transit in Gemini, 2019
      1. 84. Venus Transit & Retrograde in Taurus in 2020
      1. 85. Transit of Ketu in Libra, March-April, 2022
      1. 86. Rahu-Saturn JI on Aquarius for Gemini Asc, 2019
      1. 87. Jupiter Transit in Pisces, 2022-23
      1. 88. Rahu-Saturn JI on Aquarius for Taurus Asc
      1. 89. Current Transits of Malefic Planets & Prevailing C
      1. 90. Rahu-Saturn JI on Aquarius for Aries Asc
      1. 91. Saturn in Aquarius Transit -1
      1. 92. Jupiter Retro in Sagittarius, 2019
      1. 93. Transit of Mars in Capricorn 2020
      1. 94. Saturn in Aquarius Transit - 2
      1. 95. Rahu-Saturn JI on Aquarius for Pisces Asc
      1. 96. Jupiter-Saturn impact in 2022-23
      1. 97. Sun Transit in Aries, April, 2019
      1. 98. Saturn-Ketu joint impact in 2022-23
      1. 99. PKY for Pisces in 2022-23
      1. 100. Mars Transit in Taurus, 2019
      1. 101. Saturn-Rahu joint impact in 2022-23
      1. 102. Rahu-Saturn JI on Aquarius for Virgo Asc
      1. 103. Rahu-Saturn JI on Aquarius for Leo Asc
      1. 104. Transit of Saturn in Dhanishtha Nakshatra, 2022-23
      1. 105. Rahu-Saturn JI on Aquarius for Cancer Asc
      1. 106. Transit of Rahu in Rohini Nakshatra
      1. 107. Mars Transit Capricorn, Feb, 2022
      1. 108. Ketu Transit Vishakha Nakshatra, Feb-2022
      1. 109. Saturn-Ketu transit in Sagittarius, 2019
      1. 110. Saturn-Ketu transit - Clarification
      1. 111. KSY and Saturnian Impact
      1. 112. Saturn-Ketu JI on Aquarius, 2019
      1. 113. Important Tips on Upcoming Transits
      1. 114. Saturn-Ketu JI on Capricorn, 2019
      1. 115. Saturn-Ketu JI on Sagittarius, 2019
      1. 116. Mars Transit in Aries, 2019
      1. 117. Transiting True Node Vs Mean Node, 2022
      1. 118. Saturn-Ketu JI on Scorpio, 2019
      1. 119. Mars Transit Aquarius, April, 2022
      1. 120. Saturn-Ketu JI on Libra, 2019
      1. 121. Links of all upcoming transit articles
      1. 122. Saturn-Ketu JI on Leo, 2019
      1. 123. Saturn-Ketu JI on Cancer, 2019
      1. 124. Saturn in next 75 days
      1. 125. Saturn-Ketu JI on Gemini, 2019
      1. 126. Mars Transit in Aquarius May-June, 2020
      1. 127. Transit of Mars in Pisces in May-June, 2022
      1. 128. Saturn-Ketu JI on Taurus, 2019
      1. 129. Saturn-Ketu JI on Aries, 2019
      1. 130. Saturn-Ketu Transit - Reflections
      1. 131. Retrograde Season 2020
      1. 132. Rahu-Saturn JI Libra - Introduction
      1. 133. Venus Retrograde Posts & Relationships
      1. 134. Rahu-Saturn JI on Libra - Aquarius Asc
      1. 135. Venus Retrograde Transit 2020
      1. 136. Rahu-Saturn JI on Libra - Capricorn Asc
      1. 137. Rahu-Saturn JI on Libra - Sagittarius Asc
      1. 138. Knowing Right Nodes for you
      1. 139. Rahu-Saturn JI on Libra - Scorpio Asc
      1. 140. Transit of Rahu in Bharani Nakshatra
      1. 141. Current Transits, March-2019
      1. 142. Rahu-Saturn JI on Libra - Libra Asc
      1. 143. Mars Transit Aries, June, 2022
      1. 144. Transit of Rahu in Mrigshira Nakshatra
      1. 145. Rahu-Mars-Uranus in Bharani Nakshatra
      1. 146. Energy Accumulation in Cancer Sign
      1. 147. Jup-Sat-Nodes JI on Aries Asc
      1. 148. Rahu-Saturn JI on Libra - Aries Asc
      1. 149. Retro Transit of Jupiter-Saturn in 2022
      1. 150. Jup-Sat-Nodes JI on Taurus Asc
      1. 151. Rahu-Saturn JI on Libra - Taurus Asc
      1. 152. Important Astrological Events of 2019
      1. 153. Rahu-Saturn JI on Libra - Gemini Asc
      1. 154. Venus Difficult Transits, 2022
      1. 155. Jup-Sat-Nodes JI on Gemini Asc
      1. 156. Mars Transits in Taurus, 2022
      1. 157. Jupiter in Moola Transit, 2019
      1. 158. Mars Transit in Pisces June-Aug, 2020
      1. 159. Transit of Mars in Taurus in Feb, 2021
      1. 160. Rahu’s Transit in Gemini in March 2019
      1. 161. Current Transits, May-2019
      1. 162. Ketu’s Transit in Sagittarius in Mar 2019
      1. 163. Saturn-Ketu-Pluto Transit in Sagittarius in Mar 20
      1. 164. Joint Impact (JI) of Rahu-Saturn on Gemini, Sagitt
      1. 165. Rahu Transit in Ardra, 2019
      1. 166. Mars Transit in Virgo, 2019
      1. 167. Joint Impact of Jupiter-Saturn in transit from Apr
      1. 168. Joint Impact of Jupiter-Saturn in 2021-22 for Arie
      1. 169. Joint Impact of Jupiter-Saturn in 2021-22 for Taur
      1. 170. Transit of Jupiter in Dhanishtha Nakshatra
      1. 171. Joint Impact of Jupiter-Saturn in 2021-22 for Gemi
      1. 172. Joint Impact of Jupiter-Saturn in 2021-22 for Canc
      1. 173. Joint Impact of Jupiter-Saturn in 2021-22 for Leo
      1. 174. Eclipse Month, Oct-2022
      1. 175. Joint Impact of Jupiter-Saturn in 2021-22 for Virg
      1. 176. Important Astrological Events of 2018
      1. 177. Mars Transit in Cancer, June-2019
      1. 178. Mars Transits in Gemini, 2022
      1. 179. Current Transits, June-2019
      1. 180. Joint Impact of Jupiter-Saturn in 2021-22 for Libr
      1. 181. Ketu's Transit in Swati Nakshatra
      1. 182. Joint Impact of Jupiter-Saturn in 2021-22 for Scor
      1. 183. Joint Impact of Jupiter-Saturn in 2021-22 for Sagi
      1. 184. Joint Impact of Jupiter-Saturn in 2021-22 for Capr
      1. 185. Stellium in Libra, 2022
      1. 186. Focus on Aries and Leo Sign, 2023
      1. 187. Rahu’s Transit in Taurus in Sep, 2020
      1. 188. Joint Impact of Jupiter-Saturn in 2021-22 for Aqua
      1. 189. Stellium in Scorpio, 2022
      1. 190. Ketu’s Transit in Scorpio in Sep 2020
      1. 191. Joint Impact of Jupiter-Saturn in 2021-22 for Pisc
      1. 192. Joint Impact on Jupiter-Rahu transit between Nov,
      1. 193. Transit of Rahu in Ashwini Nakshatra, 2023
      1. 194. Joint Impact of Saturn-Ketu from Sep, 2020 to Marc
      1. 195. Transit of Jupiter in Aries in 2023-24
      1. 196. Paap Kartari Yoga (PKY) for Sagittarius Sign from
      1. 197. Mars Transit in Aries in Aug-Oct, 2020
      1. 198. Jupiter transit in Sagittarius (29th March, 2019 t
      1. 199. Transit of Mars in Gemini in April, 2021
      1. 200. Impacts of Saturn in Capricorn Transit
      1. 201. Transit of Mars in Leo, 2019
      1. 202. Jupiter Retrograde in Libra in 2018
      1. 203. Upcoming Mars Transits (Direct & Retrograde) Mars-
      1. 204. Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius 2018
      1. 205. Venus Transit & Retrograde in Libra in 2018
      1. 206. Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn 2021
      1. 207. Mercury Retrograde in General
      1. 208. Nodal Transits Interpretations
      1. 209. Transit of Jupiter in Shatabhishak Nakshatra
      1. 210. Jupiter's transit in Sagittarius - Addl Info
      1. 211. Saturn-Rahu JI on Libra - Intro
      1. 212. Jupiter-Nodes JI in Sagittarius
      1. 213. Transit of Mars in Cancer in June, 2021
      1. 214. Mars in Virgo transit, 2023
      1. 215. Rahu-Saturn JI on Scorpio sign during 2023-25
      1. 216. Ketu’s Transit in Virgo in Oct-Nov, 2023
      1. 217. Rahu-Saturn JI on Libra for Cancer Asc
      1. 218. Rahu’s Transit in Pisces in Oct-Nov, 2023
      1. 219. Jup-Sat-Nodes JI on Cancer Asc
      1. 220. Rahu-Saturn JI on Libra for Leo Asc
      1. 221. Jup-Sat-Nodes JI on Leo Asc
      1. 222. Ketu's transit in Chitra Nakshatra, 2023
      1. 223. Rahu-Saturn JI on Libra for Virgo Asc
      1. 224. Mars transit in Leo, 2023
      1. 225. Jup-Sat-Nodes JI on Virgo Asc
      1. 226. Venus Transit & Retrograde in Leo/Cancer in 2023
      1. 227. Rahu-Saturn JI on Libra for Libra Asc
      1. 228. Energy Accumulation in Leo, 2023
      1. 229. Jupiter Retrograde in 2021
      1. 230. Jup-Sat-Nodes JI on Libra Asc
      1. 231. Transit of Mars in Cancer, 2023
      1. 232. Transit of Rahu-Jupiter in Ashwini Nakshatra, 2023
      1. 233. Rahu-Saturn JI on Libra for Scorpio Asc
      1. 234. Energy Accumulation in Aries, 2023
      1. 235. Stellium in Sagittarius - Guidance
      1. 236. Jup-Sat-Nodes JI on Scorpio Asc
      1. 237. Transit of Saturn in Shatabhishak Nakshatra, 2023
      1. 238. How to Interpret Planetary Transits?
      1. 239. Retrograde Energy - Intense & Stuck Energy
      1. 240. Preventive Steps for 2016
      1. 241. Venus Transit & Retrograde in Pisces in 2017
      1. 242. Saturn Transit in Sagittarius from Jan, 2017 to Ja
      1. 243. Transit of Jupiter in Virgo in 2016-17
      1. 244. Jupiter’s transit in Leo 2015-2016
      1. 245. Mars Saturn Conjunction and Other Important Transi
      1. 246. Rahu-Ketu Transit 2016-2017
    1. 3. Charts of Different Professions
      1. 1. Planetary Positions for Music as Career
      1. 2. Chart of An Astrologer/Occultist/Mystic through As
      1. 3. Chart of a Legal Professional as per Astrology
      1. 4. Chart of a Medical Professional as per Astrology
      1. 5. Chart for a Job/Service Oriented Career as per Ast
      1. 6. Chart of a Media Professional as per Astrology
      1. 7. Chart of an Academician as per Astrology
      1. 8. Chart of a Sports Person as per Astrology
      1. 9. Chart of an Army/Police Professional as per Astrol
      1. 10. Chart of a Politician as per Astrology
      1. 11. Chart of a Psychologist as per Astrology
      1. 12. Chart of a Rights Activist as per Astrology
      1. 13. Chart of a Professional in Financial Field as per
      1. 14. Chart of an Author as per Astrology
      1. 15. Chart of a Fashion Professional as per Astrology
      1. 16. Career in Aeronautics/Aviation as per Astrology
      1. 17. Chart of a Computer/IT Professional as per Astrolo
      1. 18. Chart of a Home-Maker as per Astrology
      1. 19. Chart of a Farmer as per Astrology
      1. 20. Chart of an Archaeologist as per Astrology
      1. 21. Chart of a Scientist as per Astrology
      1. 22. Chart of Career in Travelling as per Astrology
      1. 23. Chart of People in High Authority
    1. 4. Maraka Dasha Series
      1. 1. Maraka Dasha Series – Capricorn Ascendant
      1. 2. Maraka Dasha Series – Virgo Ascendant
      1. 3. Maraka Dasha Series - Introduction
      1. 4. Maraka Dasha Series – Aries Ascendant
      1. 5. Maraka Dasha Series – Taurus Ascendant
      1. 6. Maraka Dasha Series – Gemini Ascendant
      1. 7. Maraka Dasha Series – Cancer Ascendant
      1. 8. Maraka Dasha Series – Leo Ascendant
      1. 9. Introduction to Maraka Houses/Planets
      1. 10. Maraka Dasha Series – Virgo Ascendant
      1. 11. Maraka Dasha Series – Libra Ascendant
      1. 12. Maraka Dasha Series – Scorpio Ascendant
      1. 13. Maraka Dasha Series – Sagittarius Ascendant
      1. 14. Maraka Dasha Series – Capricorn Ascendant
      1. 15. Maraka Dasha Series – Aquarius Ascendant
      1. 16. Maraka Dasha Series – Pisces Ascendant
    1. 5. Relationship Synastry Series
      1. 1. Relationship Synastry # 3
      1. 2. Planetary Relationship Synastry (PRS) Post # 3
      1. 3. Planetary Relationship Synastry (PRS) Post # 4
      1. 4. Planetary Relationship Synastry (PRS) # 5
      1. 5. Relationship Synastry # 7
      1. 6. Relationship Synastry # 6
      1. 7. Planetary Relationship Synastry Post # 8
      1. 8. Planetary Relationship Synastry (PRS) Post # 6
      1. 9. Planetary Relationship Synastry (PRS) Post # 7
      1. 10. Planetary Relationship Synastry (PRS) Post # 8
      1. 11. Planetary Relationship Synastry (PRS) Post # 9
      1. 12. Planetary Relationship Synastry - Introduction
      1. 13. Relationship Synastry - Introduction
      1. 14. Relationship Synastry # 1
      1. 15. Relationship Synastry # 4
      1. 16. Relationship Synastry # 5
      1. 17. Relationship Synastry # 6
      1. 18. Relationship Synastry # 7
      1. 19. Relationship Synastry
      1. 20. Planetary Relationship Synastry (PRS) Post # 2
    1. 6. Karmic Connection Series
      1. 1. Karmic Connection Series - Sigmund Freud & Carl Gu
      1. 2. Karmic Connection Series - John Lennon & Mark Davi
      1. 3. Karmic Connection Series - Serial Killers and thei
      1. 4. Karmic Connection Series - Casey Anthony & Caylee
      1. 5. Karmic Connection Series - OJ Simpson and Nicole B
      1. 6. Karmic Connection
      1. 7. Karmic Connections Series
      1. 8. Karmic Connection Series - Osho Rajneesh & Maa Aan
    1. 7. Planetary War Series
      1. 1. Planetary Wars Series - Introduction
      1. 2. Planetary War Series - Sun-Venus Conjunction
      1. 3. Planetary War Series - Sun-Saturn Conjunction
      1. 4. Planetary War Series - Sun-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 5. Planetary War Series - Sun-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 6. Planetary War Series - Moon-Mercury Conjunction
      1. 7. Planetary War Series - Moon-Venus Conjunction
      1. 8. Planetary War Series - Moon-Saturn Conjunction
      1. 9. Planetary War Series - Moon-Rahu Conjunction
      1. 10. Planetary War Series - Moon-Ketu Conjunction
      1. 11. Planetary War Series - Mars-Mercury Conjunction
      1. 12. Planetary War Series - Mars-Saturn Conjunction
      1. 13. Planetary War Series - Mercury-Jupiter Conjunction
      1. 14. Planetary War Series - Jupiter-Venus Conjunction
    1. 8. Zodiac Sign and Nakshatra Counterparts
      1. 1. New Series - Sign & Nakshatra Counterparts
      1. 2. Counterparts Series - Nakshatras Axis
      1. 3. Counterparts Series - Zodiac Sign Axis


I highly recommend Vishal for any consultation you seeking. True value for money and trust me you won't be disappointed. People read reviews and think possibly this might be written under any influence - close friends, f..
I have consulted Vishal on a host of topics ranging from marriage to career and from property disputes to understanding of Mahadashas. He is one I have been privileged to meet in my life not only because of his knowledge..
I picked Vishal S Saxena to do a Astrological reading for me because I felt a certain pull towards him and been a student of Astrology myself I know this is an important factor when considering a reading with Astrologer...
I discovered Vishal Saxena two years ago during the most challenging time in my life. I was struggling through losses in my career, in my relationship with others and in my own health. I spent months searching for answer..
Vishal's analysis has been instrumental in my career growth. The way he explains the situation based on the planets and their combinations is very easy to comprehend. He is always available for any guidance or advise whi..
Recap After having a reading with Vishal back in May he warned me of some health issue I may have and to just watch it. Because of this I decided to get some test done and blow me if the Dr didn't confirm back to me..
I was mentally perplexed until I heard Vishal's words. My chart is a typical case of Saturn dominance, not only most of all planets in Saturn's Nakshaktra, but Sade sati is at its peak. I was about to change my career pa..
Vishal Sir is a true Gem in astrology... He gives honest(no sugar coating )practical consultation... His mailed report seems like consulting him personally when you read it... He has so comprehensive, detailed and sim..
I had been looking for an experienced astrologer on the internet for a long time. And finally I found him in the face of Vishal. The decision to receive consultations appeared after reading articles on his side. His ..
Vishal Saxena is a new generation astrologer who believe in combining logic and common sense in reading and analysing charts . If one reads his analysis one would find it to be 100% personalized and educative . This gu..
A True and real master of divine science of Astrology. I stumbled upon his work and didn't think twice before booking a consultation and it exceeded my expectations. It is the highest quality of consultation I have ever ..
If you wish to get genuine answers about your horoscope, you need to speak with Vishal ji. He is genuine, explains with a high level of clarity and will no simply tell you what you want to hear, but will tell you what he..
Vishal Saxena is one of the best astrologers that I have come across throughout my astrological life. He's got a very good knowledge and insight into astrology. Also he's very updated on the subject and he knows what he'..
I have consulted Vishal on various questions and issues in my life, and I have been immensely impressed with his honesty, expertise, perceptiveness, guidance, and professionalism. He is impressively knowledgeable and gi..
I started following Mr Saxena's Facebook page on Astrology a while ago. I found it randomly and was quickly surprised about how much great knowledge he has on Astrology and I read his thorough articles on his website. I ..
I have been interested in astrology for almost decade and a half, have consulted few astrologers as well. Since i read a lot on the subject i happened to come across his page and got hooked. I then took 2 consultations f..