
Mars Direct and Retrograde Transits in Gemini and Cancer in 2024-25

During second half of year 2024, we will go through a transit which could prove to be the most troublesome for all of us (at individual and global level). It can even prove to be life transforming transit for many of us. This is when Mars will go back & forth into Gemini and Cancer signs from last week of August, 2024 to first week of June, 2025. So, it will be a big time window of about 9 months. This is too long a time period for Mars to remain in difficult dignity. As I always look for proactive approach in preparing for difficult times, I feel that it is the right time for us to be aware of this difficult transit so that we can prepare proactively.

Let’s try to understand this transit –

Important Energies.
Mars in Gemini.
Mars in Cancer
Mars Retrograde from Cancer to Gemini.
Other important and related transits.
Overall Impact.
Ascendant-wise impact of Mars Transit.

Let’s cover all points one after the other –

Important Energies – There are 3 energies which will become important during this Mars’s transit. These are -

Mars – Mars represents our will power, courage, ability to take actions, aggressive nature, anger, our fighting ability, brother, male friends, a boyfriend for a girl, a soldier, an athlete and real estate etc. Mars rules Aries and Scorpio.

Gemini – Gemini is a great enemy sign for Mars as it is ruled by Mercury. Mars-Mercury are ferocious enemies to each other. Mars in Gemini transit can easily cause aggressive behaviour, aggressive communications, urge for rash driving, accidents, injuries and surgeries etc.

Cancer – Cancer is debilitated sign of Mars. Hence, Mars is at its weakest dignity. Here also, Mars in Cancer transit can easily cause aggressive/violent behaviour, aggressive communications, urge for rash driving, accidents, injuries and surgeries etc.

Needless to say that everything I am going to say now depends upon the whole chart. Chart + Dasha + Transit = Event. This is general rule. So, please don’t make any conclusion just because of one transit. At the same time, as it is a long duration transit, proactive approach is suggested.

Duration of Transit – Although Mars retro transit is 80 days; i.e. from Dec 7th, 2024 to Feb 24th, 2025, but the fact that Mars will lose its dignity in Gemini and Cancer sign for continuously 9 months (from Aug, 2024 to June, 2025) and it will also go back & forth in these two signs, makes this transit very difficult and challenging for all of us. So, it is better to think that we have to be very careful for all 9 months of this transit rather than only 80 days.

Mars will come in Gemini from 26th Aug, 2024 and will stay there till 20th Oct, 2024. Then Mars will be in Cancer till 21st Jan, 2025 and after that it will come back in Gemini sign where it will stay till 3rd April, 2025. Then again it will stay in Cancer from 3rd April, 2025 to 7th June, 2025. This is big enough time window for any prominent event to take place.

Let’s understand Mars transit in these two signs step-by-step –

Mars in Gemini – As we can see that Mars will stay in Gemini from 26th Aug, 2024 to 20th Oct, 2024. Then again Mars will be in Gemini from 21st Jan, 2025 to 3rd April, 2025.. It is sign of its great enemy Mercury. So dignity-wise, Mars is weak. Some common results can be seen like -

a. Mars is aggression and Gemini is communication, so people can get argumentative over any matter and can get into verbal fights. As Mars represents violence too, it can lead to physical fights too.

b. Mars is also technology and as Gemini is communication, we can see some technical issues in our communications or interacting with people.

c. Mars represents speed and Gemini is travelling, so avoid driving fast, rash or negligently else people can get into accidents.

d. Even if you don't drive and only travel then use helmets and seat belts without fail. These days we see people using mobiles even while walking or driving or using steps, please avoid it. Just be aware of your actions and your surroundings.

e. Then this transit can be more challenging for Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn ascendant people as Mars will be transiting in Dushthana Houses for them. Likewise, for any ascendant if Mars is transiting difficult houses (Upachaya, Dushthana, Maraka or with no Digbala) then it will be a challenging transit.

f. At the same time, Mars represents our actions/efforts and Gemini is sign of business and collecting information. So, same energy and action of Mars can be utilized working extra in business or in collecting more information through educating further.

g. Generic advice - Avoid arguments as far as possible, be careful while driving/travelling/running/walking and please meditate.

Then Mars has 3 aspects –

a.Mars 4th aspect will be on the house where Virgo falls in our chart. Person will try to take control in matters related to that house. Another thing is that Ketu is already transiting Virgo sign. Now, Mars aspect on Virgo can make situation very explosive in area of life where Virgo falls in chart as Mars-Ketu combination creates Scorpio energy.

b.Mars 7th aspect will be on the house where Sagittarius falls in our chart. This can also make people rigid about what they believe-in or bring some major changes in belief system.

c.Then Mars 8th aspect will be on the house where Capricorn falls in chart. We can see some sudden events and changes in that area of life.

Mars in Cancer – Then Mars will be in Cancer at two different times; i.e. from 20th Oct, 2024 to 21st Jan, 2025 and then from 3rd April, 2025 to 7th June, 2025.

Following results can be expected of Mars in Cancer transit –

1. Cancer is sign of emotions, taking care of others and nourishing people. Hence, this sign is related with Health Care and Teaching etc.

2. As Mars is actions, it shows that people can be involved in lots of activities related with health care and nourishing others. Actually, it will be the better use of this transit. People should involve themselves in activities related to healing and nurturing. This includes any work of nourishment which includes food industry, housing industry, fashion industry etc.

3. But then, as Mars is debilitated in Cancer which can cause emotional set-backs to people. That’s where I see that Mars in Cancer transit can be most troublesome where people may lose their calm due to their emotional losses. This can create a stressful situation.

4. So, the biggest task in this transit is to remain calm and peaceful, no matter how difficult it sounds? There are always peaceful and legal ways of registering your protests, objections or oppositions. We need to divert energy from aggression to healing under current circumstances.

5. In other matters, Mars in Cancer can bring dominance and control issues, anger and aggression in personal issues. So, in relationship matters too, people need to keep a high level of patience to sail through this time. It will be better to reflect back in situations of disappointments and sort out issues internally rather than projecting on others.

6. Mars in Cancer can also cause accidents, surgeries and blood-shed of any kind. Hence, take proper proactive care to avoid such circumstances.

7. Aries and Scorpio ascendant people should be more careful as Mars is their ascendant lord. Aries people should be more careful as Mars will be in their 4th house/Cancer where it loses its directional strength too. Same thing can be said for the matters of houses where Aries and Scorpio sign fall in your chart. We need to be extra careful in matters related with that house.

8. Also, if Mars is transit your Dushthana houses (6th, 8th and 12th), Maraka Houses (2nd and 7th) or if Mars is Dushthana lord for you then also proper care is needed to sail through this transit.

9.Our anger or aggression can be ill-directed. We can throw our frustration or anger at people who didn’t do anything wrong to us. Anyways, I don't think anyone deserves anyone else's anger or frustration. But as Mars is in weakest dignity, our aggression can be misdirected. Now, every house represents some relations in our life. So, whichever house Mars is transiting in your chart, your aggression can be directed towards people represented by that house. Like, an Aries ascendant person can find relation with Mother or home environment charged up whereas a Gemini ascendant person will feel the pinch in family life and can have aggressive speech. So, we need to be careful while dealing with such people to maintain the cordial relation. Like, from Sagittarius to Pisces ascendant, Mars will be transiting in houses which represent romantic relationship or conflicts in relation. Hence, they need to show more patience to sustain their relationship.

10. Mars in Cancer and Ketu in Virgo would mean that there will be a Paap Kartari Yoga for Leo sign. So, we should not expect much from the matters and people related with house where Leo falls in chart. Also, we should be taking good care of health of people related with house where Leo sign falls in chart. There can be very limited results and lots of stress in the area of life where Leo falls in to chart.

Then Mars has 3 aspects –

a.Mars 4th aspect will be on the house where Libra falls in our chart. Person will try to take control in matters related to that house.

b.Mars 7th aspect will be on the house where Capricorn falls in our chart. People of the house, where Capricorn falls in chart, may feel that we are trying to dominate them or control them.

c.Then Mars 8th aspect will be on the house where Aquarius falls in chart. We can see some sudden events and changes in that area of life. As Saturn is already transiting Aquarius sign, Mars-Saturn energy exchange can bring a stressful situation in the area of life where Aquarius falls in chart.

d.Last but not the least, Rahu’s aspect will be on Cancer from Pisces sign. Rahu’s aspect can further blow-up the results of Mars in Cancer as discussed above.

Mars retrograde from Cancer to Gemini – Then Mars will go back in Gemini from Cancer and make us reflect back on all the above things mentioned about Mars in Gemini & Mars in Cancer transit and make us re-engage in same activities again to complete the work. It will also make us reflect back on matters related to the houses where Aries & Scorpio fall into our chart. Mars retrograde time period can also bring lethargy or procrastinating attitude in life. This retrograde transit will be from Dec 7th, 2024 to Feb 24th, 2025.

Please refer to these articles to understand Retrograde Planetary Transits in General and Mars Retrograde in particular - , , , and .

Other important and related transits – It is important to note that this transit of Mars in Gemini/Cancer is happening along with couple of other major transits where Mars ruled signs Aries and Scorpio are involved. Let’s understand them –

1. Energy Accumulation in Scorpio - It is important to interpret this Mars retro transit along with joint impact of Rahu-Jupiter-Saturn on Scorpio ( ) as Mars is main ruler of Scorpio sign. So, it is like Rahu-Jupiter-Saturn impact on Scorpio is bringing lots of energy and intensity to Scorpio sign which indicates lots of changes and challenges in our lives in matters related with the house where Scorpio & Aries fall and then Mars is taking those changes and challenges to the area of life where Gemini and Cancer fall in your chart. As Mars is also losing the dignity in Gemini/Cancer, it shows that person can be going through a lot of major transformations in houses where Scorpio, Gemini and Cancer fall in chart and he is feeling that he is unable to handle them as Mars is losing dignity. Hence, this time period of almost 9 months from (August, 2024 to May, 2025) can be difficult and chaotic.

2. Also, we cannot forget that Mars rules another sign Aries and its results will also be impacted as Mars enters Gemini/Cancer. So, wherever Aries falls into your chart, you need to keep an eye on that area of life too as big changes can happen in that area of life.

3. Energy Accumulation in Pisces – Then there will be another energy accumulation in Pisces sign from mid-March to end-May, 2025. This is when Rahu-Saturn-Mercury-Venus-Sun all will be transiting in Pisces sign. As Pisces is 12th from Aries sign, this shows a possible loss of things/people of house where Aries falls into chart. It is more so as Mars will still be in Gemini/Cancer sign. So, lots of planets coming in Pisces are showing losses related to the house where Aries sign falls in chart and then Aries lord Mars in Gemini/Cancer is also unable to provide any strength to Aries sign. At right time, we will cover this Stellium in Pisces with a separate article - .

4. So, these two transits are also where we need to be careful during Mars retrograde in Gemini/Cancer.

Overall Impact – I think to understand the overall impact of this transit, we have to keep in mind the concept of Jeeva Karaka and Ajeeva Karaka ( ) which says that during any difficult planetary position in birth chart or transits, we can still get the results of non-living significances of the house where such position/transit is taking place but results of living significances will depend on lots of other factors. For example, being a Scorpio ascendant, this Mars transit will be in my 8th house/9th house. I can expect good results in business but I should be careful about health and relationship aspect of life.

As we know that Mars is among the malefic planets and is supposed to give some hardships in our life, hence it is necessary to be aware that what type of hardships we can expect in coming months. It may be argued and it is generally asked by clients why God or these planets send us hardships? Why can’t life be all fun and joy? My response to them is always to remember some event in their life when they were too happy due to some achievement and then ask yourself what is actually making them happy? The achievement itself, or victory over all the hurdles which they crossed with their courage and will-power? It is obviously the happiness of overcoming obstacles. So, all the malefic planets or God brings hardship in our life in order to make us realize our true potential. That’s why, these hurdles and facing them is very necessary in life.

Needless to say that everything I am going to say now depends upon the whole chart. Chart + Dasha + Transit = Event. This is general rule. So, please don’t make any conclusion just because of a transit. Let’s see how this Mars transit will impact us in different houses as per our ascendant or Moon sign –

Aries Ascendant or Aries Moon sign – For Aries people, Mars rules 1st house/8th house and it will be transiting 3rd house/4th house. It shows that person’s whole life path can go through a major change and that change is going to affect their home life and their relationship with Mother and younger sibling. It also shows major issues with in-laws or conflicts at home in matters of inheritance. Home environment can be really volatile. Need to take care of communications and while driving/travelling. Not a good time to have a property deal. Need to accommodate a lot in relationship matters.

Taurus Ascendant or Taurus Moon sign – For Taurus people, Mars rules 7th house/12th house and it will be transiting 2nd house/3rd house. Mars will be transiting 8 houses away from 7th house/Scorpio. It shows that person can go through some major changes in relationship matters. Family setup can be disturbed due to aggression or dominance struggles. Person may not be able to save money as 12th lord of expenses is coming in 2nd house of wealth. This also shows health issues or conflicts with Partner. Again, person may have to adjust a lot in matters of family life and relationship to sustain it. Person can be abusing his strength, will-power and courage. Not a time to begin a new relationship.

Gemini Ascendant or Gemini Moon sign – For Gemini people, Mars rules 6th house/11th house and will be transiting 1st house/2nd house. This shows conflicts coming to person due to aggressive communications and spoiling the family setup. It also shows that person can be spending a lot of money to take care of health issues or litigation. Saving money would be very difficult. Person can find himself very aggressive. Again, it will be better to redirect the extra energy in matters of Sports, Gym or Yoga but projecting this aggression on others can be troublesome.

Cancer Ascendant or Cancer Moon sign – For Cancer people, Mars rules 5th house/10th house and will be transiting 12th house/1st house. This shows possible change in work place or major changes in matters of father, other authorities or work. This also shows loss of work or authority. This also means loss of recognition or fame in public. It can also bring instability in matters of 1st child or love/romance matters. Person should be careful of his communications and dominating approach in life, especially in relationship matters as Mars is aspecting relationship houses from 12th house/1st house. Person should also be careful about his own health.

Leo Ascendant or Leo Moon Sign – For Leo people, Mars rules 4th house/9th house and will be transiting in 11th house/12th house. This again shows major conflicts at home or with Mother. It can also show major changes with Mother. Person may have to spend a lot of Money. Relation with elder siblings can also go for a toss. Person’s belief system can also become reason behind conflicts. Person should be careful about projecting his beliefs on others. Person can relocate to another place.

Virgo Ascendant or Virgo Moon Sign – For Virgo people, Mars rules 3rd house/8th house and will be transiting 10th house/11th house. This shows the need to be careful in travelling to avoid accidents, surgeries and sudden events etc, especially in knees and shin areas of body. This also shows difficulties with Father or other authority figures in life. Person can have a change in his public image. Similar changes can come up for Father. Money saving can again be difficult. Relation with Father, in-laws and siblings can go for a toss. Difficult time for job setup career and dealing with Govt or other authority figures.

Libra Ascendant or Libra Moon Sign – For Libra people, Mars rules 2nd house/7th house and will be transiting in 9th house/10th house. It looks like a really difficult time for relationship/family life as 2nd and 7th house lord Mars will be going in enemy/debilitated signs for such a long time. Need to take an extra care while travelling/driving. Need to lower down expectations from family or partner. Again, not a good time for relationship with Father or other authority figures in life. Saving money can be arduous. Take care of partner’s health too. Avoid aggressive behaviour. Father’s health can also be a concern. Major changes in family can be seen.

Scorpio Ascendant or Scorpio Moon Sign – For Scorpio people, Mars rules 1st house/6th house and it will transit in to 8th house/9th house. As 1st house/6th house both are related with health, they need to be careful against any health related concern. Again, there is a possibility of sudden event, accident and surgery as Mars is transiting 8th house. Relationship can be bitter especially with in-laws. They can get into conflicts related with belief system. Their whole life path can go through a major change. They can see a change in their daily work life too. This can get benefits in business as they can be aggressive business people but in health and relationship life, it can be very difficult and lots of awareness and patience is needed to sail through this time. There can be a possibility of some mystical event happening.

Sagittarius Ascendant or Sagittarius Moon Sign – For Sagittarius people, Mars rules 5th house/12th house and it will transit in to 7th house/8th house. This shows that major changes can come in their lives through their partner, in-laws and 1st child. A sense of loss or actual loss can come in relationship matters. It would require lots of patience and calmness to go through this time in relationship matters but it has to be practiced by everyone in relation. Major conflict in inheritance can take place. Again, there is a need to be careful while travelling and driving. With Sagittarius people too, there can be a possibility of some mystical event happening.

Capricorn Ascendant or Capricorn Moon Sign – For Capricorn people, Mars rules 4th house/11th house and it will transit in to 6th house/7th house. This shows that major changes can come in their lives through their partner, and health. It shows a major conflict can take place which may spoil relationship. It also shows major chances of health/legal issues. Person should be careful with his communications. Mars transit in 7th house/Cancer can further aggravate the conflicts in relationship. Relationship can be impacted by dominance/control issues from either or both sides. Not a good time to start a new relationship. Person can be spending a lot of money. Home environment and relationship with Mother can be difficult. Person can also go away from home or home land. They may also need to take care of Mother’s health.

Aquarius Ascendant or Aquarius Moon Sign – For Aquarius people, Mars rules 3rd house/10th house and it will transit in to 5th house/6th house. This shows need to take extra care of health. It also shows conflicts coming-up in life. It also shows conflicts or health issues related with father or younger sibling. It can also be legal issues with Govt. Person’s daily work life or career or public image can go through a major change. It also indicates change in fame or recognition of person. Need to be careful while travelling, driving and communication.

Pisces Ascendant or Pisces Moon Sign – For Pisces people, Mars rules 2nd house/9th house and it will transit in to 4th house/5th house. This shows need to take extra care of health of mother. Home environment can be filled with aggression. It also shows conflicts in relationship. Not a good time to start a new relationship. Again, savings can be difficult as 2nd house lord is going into difficult transit. Person can have major issues with others due to his belief system.

Similar Earlier Transits – In recent past, Mars’s similar retrograde transit in Gemini/Cancer happened from Aug, 2009 to April, 2010 and then from Sep, 1992 to June, 1993. So, events happened in these times in life can also guide us as to what we can expect from this upcoming transit.

As we can see that this transit looks difficult for health, wealth and relationship matters for most of us. It would be better if we take proactive care from now only to deal with this difficult time more effectively. Concept of Jeeva Karaka and Ajeeva Karaka is the biggest help in understanding where we can get good results and where we may need to take utmost care. It is better to put efforts in work or education rather than expecting anything from other people in life.

Last but not the least, it is not that Mars will enter in Gemini on 26th Aug, 2024 and all chaos will start taking place. Things are already building-up since the time Saturn-Rahu started aspecting Scorpio sign from Nov, 2023 and Jupiter’s aspect joined the bandvagon from May, 2024. With time, intensity has also increased manifold in the area of life where Aries/Scorpio fall into chart, either from Ascendant or Moon. So, Mars transit in Gemini/Cancer may indicate the peak of same chaos which is building from last one year. So, just reflecting back at last one year time to look at where the things were chaotic in life will help you in understanding where you can expect this Mars transit to impact you most in next 9 months.

Today is nothing but the result of Yesterday and Tomorrow is nothing but the result of Today. - Osho

As I see, this transit has all the potential to turn lives upside down if we are not aware.

Hope this helps. Thanks,


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