
Direct and Retrograde Transit of Venus in Pisces in 2025

We are about to begin the Venus retrograde in Pisces. So, let’s look at this Venus retrograde from in Pisces and its impact on our lives.

Venus goes retrograde after every 18 months and this time it will go retrograde in the sign of Pisces. As we are coming near to that time when Venus Transits into Pisces from Jan 28, 2025, I feel it is worthy to look at it and see what we can expect from this transit? Normally, Venus transit into a sign takes about 23 to 25 days and hence nothing much concrete can be predicted for such a short time, but when it goes retrograde in any sign, then it slows down its pace, moves back & forth and hence takes about 4 months to cover the sign which it normally covers in 25 days max. Hence, it is considerably longer time and we can predict things/events for this time period. This time also, Venus transit in Pisces starts on 28th Jan, 2025 and it ends at 31st May, 2025. Hence, good enough period to predict things and events.

As I said, Venus will enter in the sign of Pisces on 28th Jan, 2025 and it will stay there till 31st May, 2025. During this time, Venus will turn retrograde within Pisces sign only from 2nd March, 2025 to 13th April, 2025. Venus retrograde is normally a 40 days long period in which Venus moves backwards or at least it looks like that from Earth. Generally speaking, Venus represents our conveniences in life and when it is retrograde then in its most literal sense, it means that our conveniences are going back. It means that we are supposed to live a life of inconvenience in these 40 days. But as I said, it is most literal meaning. Things are much more deep in Astrology. Also, if we see then different Religions and God’s incarnations have had importance of going through 40 days of fasting & penance. Islam and Christianity has specific events/stories related with these 40 days time period when Muhammed & Jesus respectively went through fasting/penance during this time and then they were Enlightened.

As we go through this article, we will deal in detail as to what other factors can be attached with Venus Retrograde in general and Venus Retrograde in Pisces in specific. Now, let’s begin to first understand all the important things attached with coming Venus Retrograde.

a. Venus - Venus represents Beauty, Desire and Love. Venus is the main significator of Marriage. Venus represents Girlfriend or Wife for a Man. Venus is the significator of all relations, may it be Husband-Wife or Mother-Daughter. Venus is Wealth & Conveniences, Vehicles & Luxuries. Venus is also Service and Devotion, which is where Venus is at its highest level.

b. Pisces - As Pisces is the 12th sign of zodiac belt, it represents the same energy and things which are represented by 12th house such as Isolated Places, Spirituality, Imagination, Other Dimension or Other World etc. Besides these things, it also represents your Hidden Talents, Ability to work in background, Spiritual Self etc. Pisces is consisted of last 2 and half nakshatra, i.e. Purva-Bhadrapada, Uttara-Bhadrapada & Revati. Pisces' lord is Jupiter.

c. Venus in Pisces – So following are important results we can experience when Venus is in Pisces -

i. 1st thing we need to remember is that Venus is exalted here. Its exact exaltation point is 27 degrees. Now, why Venus is exalted in Pisces Vs in any other sign? Venus is basically Love & Wealth and Pisces is sign of Spirituality. So, by giving Pisces as the sign of exaltation for Venus, ancient astrologers wanted to say that real love and wealth is spiritual love and spiritual wealth. Another way of looking at it is Pisces is the sign of knowing no boundaries and when planet of love Venus is here, it means someone who believes in Universal Love and Love without conditions. It is like ideal love kind-of scenario.

ii. At the same time, Venus in Pisces also shows a dreamy approach in relationship. It shows certain impracticality and Utopian dream in matters of relationship. So, with this transit of Venus in Pisces, we may be called-upon to take more practical and realistic approach towards relationships in our lives.

iii. This transit can be excellent to pursue any creative talent.

iv. This transit can also be good for financial matters as Venus is exalted for about 4 months.

v. As much as it looks great to see that Venus is going to retrograde in its exalted sign and it may be the best time for getting into true love, well yes but it may also be a great time during these 4 months to realize that true love is for no reason and without any expectation. In these 4 months, we are supposed to realize the true meaning of love. To seek it within and not to go without.

vi. I know it all sounds very philosophical but it’s the biggest truth. Just to make it more profound, Love in this day and age was quite appropriately described by Osho Rajneesh in one of his preaching on relationship as “Two Beggars asking money from each other”. Such is condition in Love matters for majority of us where everyone is asking for love from other person. So yes, it is certainly better to have Venus retrograde in Pisces but at the same time we might be called upon to learn its highest lesson, i.e. Love & Happiness without Reason & Boundaries. In one sentence, this Venus retrograde can take us from the base representation of Venus, i.e. Desires & Lust, to the highest representation of Venus, i.e. Service & Devotion.

vii. Also, we need to realize and be practical about the fact that selfless love looks good between two equally selfless people. If it is selfless only from one side then rather than selfless, it becomes self-destructive or self-harming love.

viii. So, this can be a good transit for finance, creativity, service and devotion but relationship aspect of life can still have its own challenges as relationships are naturally difficult.

d. Retrograde Planets – Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn go through retrograde phases. These phases are of different time periods from 21 days to about 4 to 5 months. Retrograde is actually when a planet is closer to Earth and that’s why, while looking from Earth, it looks like planet is moving backwards as it is slower in its speed than Earth. So, retrograde is actually an optical illusion. Planet doesn’t move backwards but it only looks-like moving backwards. So, 1st thing retrograde time brings is confusion related with the planet that is retrograde. Also, as retrograde planet is closer to Earth, the best way to understand a retrograde planet is to imagine someone just standing right next to you and looking at you. How would you feel? You will definitely be impacted by the intense energy of that person. The same ways, when a planet goes retrograde and come closer to Earth, its rays are reaching us with great intensity. That’s why; retrograde season, when most planets go through retrograde cycle, can be the most intense time on Earth. It also means that retrograde planet will almost push/force us to act in matters related to the planet or house/sign where it is retrograde by creating some or the other situations. As retrograde time is about moving backwards though only as an illusion, retrograde motion of a planet also shows that we reflect back on things related to that planet or house/sign where it is retrograde. Basically, during direct motion of planet, planet gives us many indications about things to correct or sort-out but if we don’t take any proactive measure then planet is forced to create some events and circumstances during its retrograde motion under which we will be forced to take actions in those matters. So eventually, retrograde cycles are good which force us to take actions which were long overdue. Last but not the least, a person born with retrograde planets also follows the same path where in early life he makes mistakes related with retrograde planet and in later life, he improves or corrects those mistakes.

e. Venus Retrograde – Venus retrograde is normally a 40 days long period in which Venus moves backwards or at least it looks like that from Earth. Generally speaking, Venus represents our conveniences in life and when it is retrograde then in its most literal sense, it means that our conveniences are going back. It means that we are supposed to live a life of inconvenience in these 40 days. But as I said, it is most literal meaning. Things are much deeper in Astrology. Retrograde literally means Reverting Back or Reflecting Back. So, whichever planet goes retrograde during transit or even when it is retrograde in Birth Chart, it makes us reflect or think over things related to that planet. As Venus represents Relationship, Wealth and Convenience aspects of life, people also reflect back on their wealth & luxuries but as relationships remain the key aspect of almost everyone’s life, Venus retrograde normally leads to the situations where person reflects back to the fact that if he/she is in right relationship? Normally, we tend to project the flaws in relationship on other person but retrograde Venus is an opportunity to look within and find out the reasons behind troubles in relations. So, Venus retrograde normally leads to some uneasy situations in relations, when couple starts reflecting back as to what is wrong or missing. But it is not all negative all the time. Venus retrograde is also the time when Venus will be closer to Earth, hence its rays will be reaching more intensely. Whenever any planet is retrograde, it remains the most prominent time for events related to that planet. As Venus is mainly about relations, this can also be time of getting into new relation if someone is single or an ex-lover can come back in life. At the same time, Venus Retrograde is not considered as an auspicious time to begin a new relationship as there can be some confusion or illusion involved with it. Another thing is when do we actually reflect or think back over something? When things don’t go as per our wishes or when we feel like we failed at those things. So, Venus retrograde can be a good time to introspect why relations and wealth aspect of our life is not as we wished so?

f. Last Venus Retrograde – It is interesting to note that last few Venus retrogrades were in signs where Venus was in good dignity. In 2017, Venus was retrograde in Pisces, where Venus is exalted ( ). It was between Jan, 2017 to May, 2017 and it was a good time for relationship overall. Although expectations were really high in relations due to exalted nature of Venus but I still know some of my friends or clients getting into relation or having a reunion with their partner. Then Venus was retrograde in Libra sign, where it is in own sign ( ). It was between Sep, 2018 to Dec, 2018. As Venus and Libra both represent relationship, it was a tough time for relationship or I should say tough for a balanced relationship. Actually, Jupiter & Venus both were retro in Libra which was a great reminder or learning phase to many people who take their spouse or partner for granted and expect them to do all the adjustments in marital life. Then Venus went retrograde in another own sign Taurus ( ) between March, 2020 to July, 2020. As Venus and Taurus both represent wealth, it proved to be good time financially for majority of people. Then Venus went retrograde in its friendly sign in Capricorn and move back into neutral sign Sagittarius in 2021-22 ( ). Again, Venus was in good dignity in both signs, at least it is not losing dignity. Hence, we have seen some good results in matters of wealth and conveniences but relationships would have its normal challenges where people may need to find ways to sustain their relationship in a balanced way.

g. Houses – Now, Venus will retrograde in Pisces but for every ascendant Venus rules different houses and hence takes shape of planet ruling a different area of life. Like, for Aries Ascendant, Venus rules 2nd house (Taurus) & 7th house (Libra), hence Venus is relation & family related planet for Aries but for Leo Ascendant, Venus rules 3rd house (Libra) and 10th house (Taurus), so it becomes an effort and career related planet for Leo Ascendant. Also, Venus will be in different house in every chart. So, during this Venus retrograde, not only we will reflect on Love, Relationship, Wealth and Luxury but also, to some extent, we will reflect on things related to the houses Venus rules and house where it sits in a chart. We need to keep in mind where Taurus and Libra falls from a certain Ascendant or Moon sign.

h. Venus’s Aspect – To a lesser extent, Venus will impact Virgo also with its 7th house aspect, it means whichever house Virgo falls in a chart.

i. Dashas – As always, this retrograde Venus will be more impactful on those people who are going through Venus’s or Jupiter’s (Lord of Pisces) MD/AD. But as it is 4 month long transit, everyone should be impacted at some level during this time.

j. Retrograde Period – As I said, Venus will enter in the sign of Pisces on 28th Jan, 2025 and it will stay there till 31st May, 2025. During this time, Venus will turn retrograde within Pisces sign only from 2nd March, 2025 to 13th April, 2025. Venus retrograde is normally a 40 days long period in which Venus moves backwards or at least it looks like that from Earth..

k. Nakshatra – During this transit and retrograde motion, Venus will transit over all 3 nakshatras of Pisces, i.e. Purva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada and Revati. Hence, it will also be impacted by placements of lords of these Nakshatras, i.e. Jupiter, Saturn & Mercury, in birth chart and in transit. I am always repeating that Venus will be impacted by other planets and not vice-versa because Venus and Moon are gentle planets. They get impacted easily. If Venus can impact any planet with real effect then I guess it is Moon only.

l. Planet in Pisces – Now, if someone has planet in Pisces in birth chart then results related to that planet will also be seen during these 4 months as Venus will be going back and forth over that planet. Any time transiting planet going over birth chart planet is indication of concrete events happening.

m. Stellium in Pisces - As I see, this time Venus retrograde in Pisces may not be that effective as during the retrograde transit a Stellium will be formed in transit - . This stellium will involve malefics like Saturn-Rahu. So, all the results we are discussing here in this article will be realized after delay, hard work and perseverance.

n. Venus Retrograde Impacts – Now, we can split the impact of Venus retrograde in following parts –

i. As per Karaka – First of all, Venus retrograde will make us reflect back on relation/marriage. It can be other relations like between siblings or parent/child too. So, relations are going to be at stake. People will retrospect on how to maintain a meaningful relation or what they can do or what their partner should do for the same? So, as I see, focus may not be on compromising or adjusting in relation but on a balanced relation where both sides accommodate with each other. People will also reflect back on their wealth or conveniences factor and may try to improve the same.

ii. As per Houses – Also, Venus retrograde will make us reflect on things related to the houses it rules, house it sits in birth chart and the house it is transiting in Leo/Cancer signs as per your chart. Like for me as a Scorpio ascendant, Venus will make me reflect on things related to 7th house/Taurus, 12th house/Libra, and 5th house/Pisces. So, any Scorpio ascendant person will reflect back at things related to these houses and take necessary actions for improvement.

iii. Dashas – As always, this transit of Venus will be more influential on those people who are going through Venus Dashas. It doesn’t mean that for others it won’t do anything. 4-5 months of retrograde + direct transit period is good enough time to give some results.

iv. Venus Retrograde in Birth Chart – Those who are born with Venus retrograde in their birth chart will get some additional intensity from this retrograde transit but as they have Venus retrograde in birth chart, they are used to see such intensity in Venus related matters in their lives, especially if they are 30+ in age.

v. Shadow Period – Venus will start retrograde on 2nd March, 2025 at 16 degree Pisces and will go back till 0 degree Pisces on 12th April, 2025. Although, the retrograde motion will finish on 12th April, 2025, but Venus will remain in Shadow Period till it again reaches 16 degree of Pisces on 15th May, 2025. Shadow Period is when the planet is although moving ahead but still gives the results of retrograde motion till it reaches the point from where it started retrograde motion. So, from 2nd March, 2025 onwards till 15th May, 2025, either Venus is in retrograde time or shadow period.

Now, the main course.

Please see results of this transit from Ascendant and Moon Sign both. Predictions from Ascendant Sign will show what will actually happen and predictions from Moon Sign will show what our mind desires and how mind will react to such events. Another thing is that when Ascendant and Moon sign both point towards one event that event is more probable to happen. Throughout this analysis, we need to keep in mind that Venus will remain exalted in Pisces. It means a benefic planet in its best dignity. So, end result may or may not be as per our desires but it will always be for overall good.

So, let’s begin –

1. Aries Ascendant or Aries Moon Sign – For Aries people, Venus rules over 2nd house of Family & Wealth and 7th house of Marriage & Spouse. As Venus will be retrograde in 12th house of Loss in Pisces, this may lead to a situation where person may make wrong investment of Wealth in Business and might end up in suffering losses. This may make them reflect on their investments. This also shows person going on a Spiritual Travel with Spouse & Family and being charitable to others (a better way to lose money). As Venus rules house of Wealth and Relationship/Business, person will reflect back on these areas of life. This will also lead person to go back on his creative side of life. It can be an important time for people in Stock Market as 12th house is Foreign Lands, MNCs & Working behind the scenes and Venus is Wealth. So, they should be careful/reflect back while making any new investments during this Venus Retrograde. Besides relationship, person will reflect on Wealth. Events related to 6th house can happen due to mutual impact of Saturn, Jupiter & Venus.

2. Taurus Ascendant or Taurus Moon Sign – For Taurus people, Venus rules 1st house of Self/Life Path and 6th house of Work Routine & Obstacles. Venus will be retrograde in their 11th house of Gains/Incomes and Desires. It means besides relationships, person will reflect back on his life path and the work routine he has. As 11th house is of gains, person will think whether his current life path and work are giving him gains as he should get? Whether his desires from his work are getting fulfilled? So, during these 4 months, person will reflect back on his gains, desires & income and find out what he can do at his work to improve the situation. So for Taurus, it is more a transit related with achievements of desires through their work. Events related to 5th house can also happen due to mutual impact of Saturn, Jupiter & Venus.

3. Gemini Ascendant or Gemini Moon Sign – For Gemini people, Venus rules 5th house of Creativity & Romance and 12th house of Working behind the Scenes, Foreign Lands & Imagination. Venus will be retrograde in their 10th house of Career. It means besides relationships, this time will be important for them to reflect on their creative aspect of life. Anyone who is in Career related to Stock Exchange or Creative Pursuits will reflect back and think a lot on how to be more creative or more intelligent to gain more out of Career. This shows some positive Foreign Connection at Career. This also means someone finding Love at his Work Place during this time. Person will work hard on Creative aspect of life. Events related to 4th house can happen due to mutual impact of Saturn, Jupiter & Venus.

4. Cancer Ascendant or Cancer Moon Sign – For Cancer people, Venus rules 4th house of Home & Mother and 11th house of Gains & Desires. Venus will be retrograde in 9th house of Far Distant Places. It means besides relationships, Cancer people will reflect on home, peace of mind & their relations with Mother. They will also think back at their desires and try to find out why those desires are not getting achieved? They will take a trip to far distant places or go to a Pilgrimage or find a Guru which can lead them to peace of mind. As 9th house is also seen for Resignations, this might be time when person leave a job for another and go to different place in search of peace and better gains from job. As 9th house is Bhavat Bhavam of 5th house of Romance, person is bound to reflect on Love Matters. Events related to 3rd house can happen due to mutual impact of Saturn, Jupiter & Venus.

5. Leo Ascendant or Leo Moon Sign – For Leo people, Venus rules 3rd house of Communication, Efforts & Younger Siblings and 10th house of Career, Work & Father. Venus will be retrograde in 8th house of Transformation and Changes. It means that besides relationship, person will reflect on his relation with younger siblings, communications and his efforts. He will also think back why his efforts could not give him recognition in his Career. As Venus retrograde is happening in 8th house, person will take transformative steps to improve his efforts which can bring rewarding results in Career. This also indicate that person’s career may go through a big change in these 4 months as 10th house lord will be retrograde in 8th house of transformation. Here, Love Matters may suffer and people may see stress and sudden changes in their relations. Events related to 2nd house can happen due to mutual impact of Saturn, Jupiter & Venus.

6. Virgo Ascendant or Virgo Moon Sign – For Virgo people, Venus rules 2nd house of Family & Wealth and 9th house of Luck & Fortune. Venus will be retrograde in 7th house of Spouse & Marriage. So, here it is a transit effecting relationships directly. Person will reflect back on his wealth and luck factor but as planet of relationship will be retrograde in house of relationship, these people need to be careful during these 4 months regarding relationship. As Virgos have natural tendency to seek perfection, this habit may harm the relationship aspect of life during this time period. They need to be less critical and analytical during this time as their partner can also run out of patience. Events related to 1st house can happen due to mutual impact of Saturn, Jupiter & Venus.

7. Libra Ascendant or Libra Moon Sign – For Libra people, Venus rules 1st house of Self and 8th house of Marriage Benefits & In-Laws. Venus will be retrograde in 6th house of Disputes. This is another ascendant where this transit and retrograde motion will directly impact relationship. As Libra is sign of Relations, 8th house is also related with Marriage and Venus retrograde in 6th house of Disputes and Obstacles means either people seeing disputes in their relations or they are finding obstacles in getting into relations. During these 4 months, they will reflect on why these disputes and obstacles are coming in their relations and how they can mitigate them? There can be financial conflicts too. Events related to 12th house can happen due to mutual impact of Saturn, Jupiter & Venus.

8. Scorpio Ascendant or Scorpio Moon Sign – For Scorpio people, Venus rules 7th house of Marriage & Spouse and 12th house of Spirituality & Creativity. Venus will be retrograde in 5th house of Romance & Creativity. Another ascendant where 7th house of relation and 5th house of love are getting impacted. Scorpio people will either involve themselves in Creative Pursuits and work hard to improve on their creativity or they will be engaged in reflecting back on their relations and love matters. From my own experience of being a Scorpio, engagement in creative pursuits is a much better bet than relations. But on another note, this can bring a new love matter as Venus will be retrograde in 5th house of Romance itself. Person will think back on how he can improve his relation and marriage? For Scorpio, relationship always gets linked with 12th house of spirituality or foreign lands as Venus rules both houses and when Venus is going retrograde in 5th house of Romance, it means either a relation with very spiritual/foreign person or loss coming to an existing relation as 12th house is also of losses. Events related to 11th house can happen due to mutual impact of Saturn, Jupiter & Venus.

9. Sagittarius Ascendant or Sagittarius Moon Sign – For Sagittarius people, Venus rules 6th house of Daily Work Routine, Debts & Obstacles and 11th house of Gains, Income & Desires. Venus will be retrograde in 4th house of Home and Mother. Sagittarius people will take the gains of 11th house & debts of 6th house and put it into home. It means they will think back and may plan to renovate their home and beautify it with their gains and loans. It may also mean that person’s mother may take a loan for real estate or health purpose as 6th house also relates to diseases. But good time to focus on Home and Mother. Events related to 10th house can happen due to mutual impact of Saturn, Jupiter & Venus.

10. Capricorn Ascendant or Capricorn Moon Sign – For Capricorn people, Venus rules 5th house of Creativity & Romance and 10th house of Career & Work. Venus will be retrograde in 3rd house of younger Sibling, Communications and Efforts. It again shows that person will reflect back on how to be more creative in his approach at his work to gain more recognition. As 3rd house relates to efforts, person will make a more sincere effort towards his Career. Person may even go on travelling due to work purpose or with loved one. Activation of 10th house and 5th house together shows the transformation in work as 5th house is 8th from 10th house and from 3rd house Venus would aspect 9th house of resignation where Jupiter & Saturn’s mutual impact will be at work. So, it can be a good time for change of job for Capricorn Ascendant. Events related to 9th house can happen due to mutual impact of Saturn, Jupiter & Venus.

11. Aquarius Ascendant or Aquarius Moon Sign – For Aquarius people, Venus rules 4th house of Home & Mother and 9th house of Far Distant Places, Pilgrimages etc. Venus will be retrograde in 2nd house of Family & Wealth. So, Aquarians will be focused on Home, Mother & Real Estate related issues. They will travel to far distant place for a Pilgrimage. Venus retrograde in 2nd house of Wealth shows that Wealth will come into Family due to 4th house related things or 9th house related things. Thinking and reflection will be on 4th house, hence it may be time of buying/selling of property for them. Money will definitely come in family. Events related to 8th house can happen due to mutual impact of Saturn, Jupiter & Venus.

12. Pisces Ascendant or Pisces Moon Sign – For Pisces people, Venus rules 3rd house of Communication, Younger Siblings & Business and 8th house of Marriage Benefits, In-Laws and Transformation. Venus will be retrograde in Ascendant. As Venus will retrograde in Ascendant itself, it will have major impact and these people will reflect on relationships. As 3rd house is Bhavat Bhavam of 8th house, both houses ruled by Venus here indicates change and Venus getting retrograde in 1st house means change will impact the person himself. Events related to 7th house can happen due to mutual impact of Saturn, Jupiter & Venus. This makes the Venus retrograde transit for Pisces ascendant a relationship focused one. So, they will reflect on relations and may like to curb the nature of being critical and analytical on partners for good relationship.

So, this is the way this transit may be seen. Again, these are very generic results as per every ascendant. If we go into real details and truckload meanings of all the representations of signs, planets and houses, then this article will never end.

Hope this is understandable and helps. Please feel free to comment if there is any doubt.



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