
Vishakha Nakshatra- Symbolism and metaphorical interpretations

"An article on Vishakha Nakshatra by a student".


Vishakha Nakshatra- Symbolism and metaphorical interpretations

Vishakha is etymologically seen to be derived from the conjunction of two words. Vi (meaning two or special or opposite) and Shakha (meaning branch).

This duality is seen in all aspects of their lives.

This is the 16th Nakshatra in the series of the Nakshatras. It is also one of 4 Mlechha (outcast) Nakshatras. (Others being Bharini, Ashlesha and Shravana)

It lies in 2 zodiacs. It extends from 20 degrees of Libra to 3 degrees 20 minutes of Scorpio.

All Jupiter ruled Nakshatras are divided into two zodiac signs.

This is the only Nakshatra where one planet is getting debilitated (Moon at 3 degrees Scorpio) and the other is getting exalted (Saturn, 20 degree Libra)

{Reasons for the same are listed under points 26 and 27}

Alternate Name – Radha - The love interest of Lord Krishna and the embodiment of devotion and surrender

It is also known as The star of purpose. It is drawn to roles where it can achieve something worthwhile, leave an impact by inspiring and guiding others. It is a mixed star (the other one being Krittika) because both sharp and gentle qualities are present in this.

Nakshatra Lord – Jupiter

Sign Lord – Venus in Libra portion and Mars and Ketu in the Scorpio portion

Symbol- Decorated Archway, Potter’s wheel, forked branches

Ruling Deity- Indra and Agni, Indragni –The duality in this nakshatra even seen here. This is the only Nakshatra with two governing deities. It ignites within us a spark of ambition and gives us tremendous dedication. What is strange is that both have opposing nature. Fire ignites, water extinguishes. This often makes these natives confused, and brings them at crossroads, where they need to choose one path. This can also lead to them showing fluctuating behaviours.

Lord Agni is also supposed to have seven tongues and is never satisfied. For this reason, it is extremely difficult to satisfy a Vishakha native. No matter what they achieve in their life, they keep looking for more.

With Indra as the presiding deity, these individuals can control their minds and senses. The influence of Agni on the other hand makes them go through transformations that purify them and make them spiritually aware. 

Animal symbol- Male Tiger

Shakti - Vyapana Shakti – The power to reach and manifest the hidden, to make the hidden clear. This energy is useful to unravel the mystery. It will be difficult for other people to deceive Vishakha natives.

Radha Symbolism

1. This Nakshatra is also known as Radha. As we all know, Radha was the beloved of Lord Krishna. Though he could not stay with her and had to leave for Dwarka to attend to the worldly duties for which he had taken the incarnation, Radha was always pining for him. She represents love in the highest form-devotion. It is also said that Shri Krishna vowed to never play the flute again, after separation from Radha. Together, they are an embodiment of everlasting and unconditional love.

This Nakshatra bestows upon the native, an unparalleled devotion towards the relationship partner.

2. As seen with Radha’s total surrender and extreme devotion towards Krishna, these people can be very suggestible and naïve. They are also very vulnerable to mind control. As long as it is against the mainstream society, they shall be willing to do it. (Some texts mention that Radha was married to Abhimnayu when she fell in love with Krishna) They can be very actively rebellious (outcast nature of this nakshatra). They are usually very religious due to the effect of Jupiter; however this extreme devotion has the ability to take them on to a wrong path due to their rebellious nature. (Dignity of Jupiter matters a lot here)

3. Because it is an outcast Nakshatra, Vishakha prominent natives, are very likely to be seen as rebels. Their choices, their appearance, their viewpoints might differ from people and society at large. If it is seen in the ascendant or the sun (karaka of our personality) is placed here, they are very likely to have tattoos, piercings or maybe unconventional hairstyles .They are almost obsessed about going out of societal norms, shedding inhibitions. They are at times seen as unhesitating and brash.

This can also be understood if we look at the word Radha. It is the opposite of the word Dhara, the flow. They like to go against the flow. For Reference, Sushmita Sen (going against the prevalent societal norms, adopting children while still being single) and Aishwarya Rai (unrequited love) are both Vishakha Ascendants. If you see the interviews of Aishwarya Rai, she is always very appreciative of her partners and is always promoting them. This shows the care and dedication towards relationship partners. (Radha-devotion)

4. They can have a one pointed focus and extreme determination when it comes to achieving a goal. There is a devotional dedication when they put their mind on to something. They can also be very patient.

5. As the scriptures say, Radha remained Lord Krishna’s greatest love, however they did not marry. So this Nakshatra can give unfinished endings in relationships. At some time in their life, they will go through a serious break up in a relationship. Similar theme is seen in Anuradha Nakshatra too. But there is a basic difference between the two. Vishakha being ruled by Jupiter makes the native think about his relationship, with fondness and remembrance of happy memories of the past. Separation from relationship partner in Anuradha, being ruled by Saturn, the planet of pessimism, can make the native very depressed and detached, and they may drown themselves in addiction.

Lordship of Indra and Agni

6. Indra (the Lord of Rain and Lightning) and Agni (the God of heat and fire) together rule over this nakshatra. When water and heat come together, seeds are harvested. This is therefore a very fertile nakshatra. This also makes it a Nakshatra connected to crops and agriculture.

7. In the story of Ahalya and Indra, Lord Indra took a fancy to Ahalya; he found her extremely attractive and irresistible and was full of resentment on why the most beautiful creation of Brahma was not with him. He disguised himself as Sage Gautama and seduced Ahalya to make love with him. Some scriptures mention that Ahalya was able to see through the deceit but she allowed herself to be swayed. This led to Sage Gautama cursing both Ahalya and Indra.

Ahalya was turned into a stone, and was cursed that she will stay in the rock form, invisible to the world. She was later released from the curse when Lord Rama’s foot touched that stone. Sage Gautama cursed Indra that he loses his testicles (where the sperms are formed) and bear a thousand Vaginas on his body(due to his extreme sexual desires). Indra performed a severe penance, he prayed to Agni to help him get rid of the curse.

Lord Shiva, then transformed all those vaginas into eyes and he thus came to be known as the thousand eyed God (which is why Jyeshta is supposed to be a good mystic and has the ability to see through the façade) Also, because he worshipped Lord Agni he could get rid of the impotency and regain his manhood. So while Jyeshtha (ruled by Indra) is considered a not so virile nakshatra, the virility is regained in Vishakha.

8. This nakshatra has Vyapana Shakti- they get the fruits of past life good karmas. They have the will power and determination to penetrate through all things due to extreme devotion and passion. They have the power to achieve and ability to manifest whatever they wish to.

9. The majority of the activation ages of this Nakshatra start after the age of 33(Barring 5). This indicates that these people can be late bloomers. Their early life can be full of difficulties and the real successes can come in later part of life. The later part of life for these natives is happy and successful.

10. It is also said that this is the birth Nakshatra of Lord Kartikeya, who had to be separated from his mother, Ma Parvati, soon after birth and had to raised by the Krittikas. So this nakshatra can in some way give some childhood issues, or some form of separation from home or the mother.

It is also said to be the birth Nakshatra of Goddess Sita - separation from the beloved, Lord Rama, the will and the courage to go through pregnancy and childbirth alone, raising both the children single handedly.

11. The symbol of decorated Archway - These decorations are usually put symbolizing victory, growth, and attainment of goals that calls for jubilation and celebration.

This triumph can be over an external goal or overcoming the internal demons. However, on the negative side, these natives can be so goal oriented and obsessively focused that they may at times completely disregard the means employed to achieve the end. (This is also classified as Rakshasa Nakshatra) Right goal selection here becomes the key theme.

12. The decorated archway is also put to welcome someone important, some dignitaries. In this sense, Vishakha Nakshatra prominent people have the ability to become celebrities of some sort, who are recognized by the masses and have a huge fan following

These Decorations in the form of ‘Toran’ are also put during Marriage ceremonies. That makes this nakshatra closely associated with marriage. Vishakha natives can be very drawn to marriage. They look for a committed partnership, marriage and romance as a serious part of life.

13. Vishakha is the nakshatra of competition, which has fiery and lightning-like energies and effects (here Indra is lightning, and Agni is fire). Those born in this nakshatra seek power and recognition. But they also have the wisdom and insight due to the influence of Jupiter. They do everything with full force and vigor; both friendships and enmities are followed through with equal gusto. They can be the best of friends and the worst of enemies. Be cautious

14. Fire, the other deity associated with this Nakshatra gives Vishakha natives the courage, determination and the single pointed focus. Fire in its negative aspect, if not controlled and allowed to spread wildly, can cause immense destruction, to self and to those around. The fire symbolism also indicates that these natives can be extremely jealous and vindictive.

However, tiger being the animal symbol associated with it, they are very clever at concealing their negative feelings and putting up a calm front, lying low, hiding and waiting quietly, to attack and seek revenge at the right time. These are quite similar to general Scorpio traits too. So Pada 4 (that lies in Scorpio) natives are more susceptible to this kind of behaviour.

15. The Glass of wine in Indra’s hand in the representative image associated with this Nakshatra, shows that they can easily become a victim of the Alcoholic culture. They can be so fixated in their ambitions and the desire to achieve the goals; that they may resort to sex and alcohol to feel lighter. This can also mean that they deeply desire the thoughtless state of mind that many people get under the influence of alcohol. Higher evolved souls may gravitate towards meditation and spiritual practices.

16. The celebratory archway and the glass of wine together indicate that these people might be very social, they may have a large group of friends and they may love to host and attend parties. They may be very flamboyant and generous hosts (Indra), very optimistic and full of laughter (Jupiter)

17. They may be ready to do anything for their friends; they may be so altruistic that they may even lay themselves down for others to walk over them and are often taken advantage of because they are usually non aggressive and non confrontational (Radha)

18. The symbolism of potter’s wheel- When the potter’s wheel rotates, beautiful creations come out of it. These people therefore are seen as the King Makers. They can bring out the best from anything or anyone they lay their hands on. Also, the natives always keep their goal fixed and work with perseverance to move towards victory. With single minded focus, they work with utmost dedication and do not stop until they achieve what they had started out to. Here again, it is important to select the right goal, that is righteous and for the greater benefit

19. The Forked branch symbol

a. Their life constantly brings them at crossroads, where they need to choose between two options. This choice will not be easy and will make them go through intense turmoil. They will have to make a conscious choice to stay on the right path. This forked branch can mostly bring a major switch in their lives.

b. That fact that it is ruled by Guru Jupiter may also indicate that they will at times, live on two planes simultaneously, the spiritual plane and the material plane. They may be pulled back into material desires while they are in their pursuit of spirituality and vice versa.

c. Also, the dual branches point to the fact that Vishakha has two sides to it; i.e. one moist/tender represented by Indra(god of rain) and Radha and the other fierce/destructive side represented by Agni, the tender side of these natives gets the harsh impact of the fierce side. We can also interpret it as; it is the softer side that actually stops these people from becoming complete psychopaths. However if Jupiter is debilitated or in an enemy sign, this positive trait is lost. In that case, these people may use the softer side to disguise their darker activities.

20. The branches stem up from the lower part of the tree, the trunk. The branches are the part of the tree that bears the fruit. However, it is only the roots that send them the nourishment. It is only the roots that made the branches grow. So when the branches bear the fruit, they should not forget the roots, they should not forget what led them to the success (fruit). They should always remember to remain a giver; they should always remember to stay grateful to the ones that helped them grow.

21. Also, as the branches are the furthest away from the roots, it is very much possible that they move away from their ancestral families and homes in due course of time.

22. As the branches of the trees find their way, they twist and turn to grow and take an alternate route if there is an obstacle on the way, similarly, these people should remain flexible and adaptable in their approach. When things do not go as planned, do not stay stuck, practice detachment, else they shall end up burning themselves.

23. The dual branches, going in opposite directions makes the Vishakha natives switch their profession often, to something that is completely unrelated. This is especially seen if it is in the Ascendant, or is associated with Rahu, Atmakaraka, or the 10th lord.

24. Those with Vishakha Nakshatra Pada 1 to 3 , that lies in the Libra part, are more likely to take professions that are Venusian in nature, beautification, designing, devotional pursuits. They can be Fashion models, actresses, Bartenders, working in alcohol brewery, priests, religious preachers, dancers and singers. In Mars ruled Pada 4, there is more a tendency to go towards sports involving intense hard work, occult and spirituality, Cult leaders and Religious fanatics (extreme devotion+ Jupiter/Mars) revolutionaries.
Working negatively they can also be in professions related to terrorism (devotional cause + rebelliousness)

The combined effect of Jupiter being the guide and the teacher and Scorpio being the sign of occult, metaphysics and the hidden aspects of life, can make them a spiritual counsellor and mystical guide (or maybe an astrologer )

25. The relationships that this Nakshatra brings often break some type of societal stereotypes and moral taboos (Married Radha in love with Krishna, plus the energies of being an outcast, a rebel)
25. The Highest use of this nakshatra is a desire to merge with the supreme consciousness (Radha and Krishna) and a desire to attain spiritual elevation and enlightenment. And more often than not, Love and Relationships become a stepping stone to this.

26. Moon is debilitated In the 4th pada of this nakshatra. The 4th pada falls in the cancer Navamsa , in the Scorpio sign. This can bring forth strong and intense destructive emotions.

Moon likes to be in a place of peace and calm. Moon doesn’t like the environment of Scorpio, that is tumultuous and of sudden major transformations (natural 8th house energy). More so here, moon is required to make a decision between two alternate paths. A mind that is already weakened and in a feeble state, is asked to take a life altering decision. So moon (mind) feels anxious and disturbed.

In addition, Vishakha is the Nakshatra of immense focus and perseverance. Moon is a feeble planet, waxing and waning, Moon doesn’t like to be at the same place for a very long time. Also, mythologically too, moon has always been shown to have an adulterous nature. Vishakha is a loyal and devotional Nakshatra. Moon feels out of place here.

27. Saturn is exalted in the 1st Pada of this Nakshatra. Saturn is karma karaka planet. Saturn is discipline. Saturn is hard work. Saturn loves the environment of Vishakha. Working relentlessly till the goal is achieved. (Lage Raho Munnabhai )

Also, Libra is represented by a balance. Libra is also the sign of masses. Saturn loves to be among the masses; Saturn loves to serve justice, listening to the story of both the sides (Vishakha) and then deciding accordingly. So, Saturn feels good here.

The 4 padas

Vishakha Nakshatra 1st Pada: It falls in the Aries Navamsa ruled by Mars. This pada makes the native very energetic, zealous, action oriented and ambitious. They are competitive and Goal oriented

Vishakha Nakshatra 2nd Pada: It falls in the Taurus Navamsa ruled by Venus. The focus here tends to be on aesthetics beauty charm and grace. Success is very likely and with a good placement of Venus, can bring immense wealth too. Jupiter’s wisdom and the grace of Venus can make them excellent diplomats.

Vishakha Nakshatra 3rd Pada:  It falls in the Gemini Navamsa ruled by Mercury. They have a curious and inquisitive mind; always seeking knowledge. They may excel in fields requiring analytical and intellectual abilities. They can be excellent with communication skills which can make them great counselors too.

Vishakha Nakshatra 4th Pada: The fourth pada of the Vishakha Nakshatra falls in the Cancer Navamsa ruled by the Moon. This gives the natives emotional sensitivity, intuition, and nurturing qualities. They are compassionate, empathetic, and have a nurturing nature. They have a deep emotional intelligence and can connect with others on an intuitive level. They have a strong sense of loyalty and devotion (Scorpio traits). However, being in the Scorpio region and ruled by moon, it can bring intense emotional turmoil that will lead to major transformations (8th house energy)

Hope this can be helpful for all the readers.

May the Divine bless us all.


Very detailed work. Good job. Keep it up.


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