
Mars Transit in Cancer 2024-25

Mars Transit in Cancer, 2024-25.

Mars is about to shift in Cancer sign on 20th Oct, 2024 in its annual transit. This article of Mars in Cancer transit should be read with other important articles on current transits, such as -

a. Transit of Mars (Direct & Retrograde) in Gemini/Cancer in 2024-25 -

b. Maraka impact on Leo & Capricorn -

c. Transit of Saturn in Aquarius - and

d. Transit of Rahu in Pisces -

e. Transit of Jupiter in Taurus -

f. Joint Impact of Jupiter-Rahu-Saturn on Scorpio -

g. Stellium in Pisces -

Mars is debilitated here. Every two years’ time, we go through this difficult transit of Mars in Gemini and Cancer where Mars is in enemy sign in Gemini and then Mars is in debilitation in Cancer. This time it is more difficult as Mars is going retrograde between Gemini/Cancer and going to take 9 months to complete transit.

Likewise, a normal Mars transit in Cancer takes about 45 days to complete but this time, Mars is going to be in Cancer from 20th Oct, 2024 to 20th Jan, 2025 and then from 3rd April, 2025 to 7th June, 2025. So, this time Mars is going to remain in Cancer for about 5 months with a break of about 2.5 months but even in that 2.5 months Mars will be retrograde in great enemy sign Gemini. So, as I have been saying throughout year 2024, this transit can be life transforming transit and has all the potential of turning lives upside down if we are even little bit of unaware. We can already see the global impact of Mars in Gemini transit so far in last couple of months where 5 countries are bombing each other right now. I am afraid that this situation can only worsen in coming times, both at mundane or individual level.

Also, we can’t forget that Saturn-Rahu-Jupiter all are aspecting Scorpio sign and now Scorpio lord Mars going in Cancer would mean that a lot of chaos in the area of life where Scorpio falls in our chart and then Mars in debilitation in Cancer in transit would mean that individual is feeling that he is unable to handle the chaos in life. Also, this major transformation is impacting the areas of life represented by the houses ruled by Scorpio, Gemini and Cancer. (Joint Impact of Jupiter-Rahu-Saturn on Scorpio - , Transit of Mars (Direct & Retrograde) in Gemini/Cancer in 2024-25 - , Maraka impact on Leo & Capricorn - )

So, let’s try to understand how we can proactively prepare us for this coming transit of Mars in Cancer of about 5 months –

First of all, to understand why Mars is considered as Debiltated in Cancer/Ashlesha at 28 degrees, please go through this article -

As discussed in this linked article, Mars is our ability to take actions and Cancer is sign of Emotions. So, when Mars is in Cancer, person may utilize his energy and take his actions on emotional grounds. It means that person may not have sound logical/practical reasons behind taking actions. Someone said something and anger bursts out & person can even get into physical fight, this is Mars in Cancer. Comparing this to someone with Mars in Capricorn where even if person is done wrong by others, he will seek legal remedies rather than taking law in his own hands.

As discussed, Mars will transit in Cancer from 20th Oct, 2024 to 20th Jan, 2025 and then from 3rd April, 2025 to 7th June, 2025.

Following results can be expected –

1. Cancer is sign of emotions, taking care of others and nourishing people. Hence, this sign is related with Health Care and Teaching etc.

2. As Mars is actions, it shows that people can be involved in lots of activities related with health care and nourishing others. Actually, it will be the better use of this transit. People should involve themselves in activities related to healing and nurturing. This includes any work of nourishment which includes food industry, housing industry, fashion industry etc.

3. But then, as Mars is debilitated in Cancer which can cause emotional set-backs to people. That’s where I see that Mars in Cancer transit can be most troublesome where people may lose their calm due to their emotional losses. This can create a stressful situation.

4. Not to forget that we just had a lunar eclipse. So, we can have a situation where due to lack of guidance or clear idea people may be involved in rash or negligent actions.

5. So, the biggest task in this transit is to remain calm and peaceful, no matter how difficult in sounds? There are always peaceful and legal ways of registering your protests, objections or oppositions. We need to divert energy from aggression to healing under current circumstances.

6. In other matters, Mars in Cancer can bring dominance and control issues, anger and aggression in personal issues. So, in relationship matters too, people need to keep a high level of patience to sail through this time. It will be better to reflect back in situations of disappointments and sort out issues internally rather than projecting on others.

7. Mars in Cancer can also cause accidents, surgeries and blood-shed. Hence, take proper proactive care to avoid such circumstances.

8. Aries and Scorpio ascendant people should be more careful as Mars is their ascendant lord. Aries people should be more careful as Mars will be in their 4th house/Cancer where it loses its directional strength too. Same thing can be said for the matters of houses where Aries and Scorpio sign fall in your chart. We need to be extra careful in matters related with that house.

9. Also, if Mars is transit your Dushthana houses (6th, 8th and 12th) or if Mars is Dushthana lord for you then also proper care is needed to sail through this transit.

10. Ashlesha is Nakshatra of emotional insecurities. So, this transit can be most challenging when Mars is in Ashlesha Nakshatra (from 12th May, 2025 to 7th June, 2025). This is where the biggest possibility can be there that people may lose their calm due to their insecurities and emotional loss. Emphasizing on this time doesn’t mean that remainder of transit will be pleasant. Again, Ashlesha also represents Kundalini Energy. So, we can utilise this transit in Meditation and Spiritual Pursuits too.

11.Our anger or aggression can be ill-directed. We can throw our frustration or anger at people who didn’t do anything wrong to us. Anyways, I don't think anyone deserves anyone else's anger or frustration. But as Mars is in weakest dignity, our aggression can be misdirected. Now, every house represents some relations in our life. So, whichever house Mars is transiting in your chart, your aggression can be directed towards people represented by that house. Like, an Aries ascendant person can find relation with Mother or home environment charged up whereas a Gemini ascendant person will feel the pinch in family life and can have aggressive speech. So, we need to be careful while dealing with such people to maintain the cordial relation. Like, from Sagittarius to Pisces ascendant, Mars will be transiting in houses which represent romantic relationship or conflicts in relation. Hence, they need to show more patience to sustain their relationship.

But the reason why I wrote this article all over again, despite writing a combined article for Mars retrograde transit in Gemini/Cancer [Transit of Mars (Direct & Retrograde) in Gemini/Cancer in 2024-25 - ] is because of extreme malefic combinations Mars is creating during this transit in Cancer either by being in Cancer or by aspecting from Cancer or by being aspected by Cancer.

So, let’s see these joint impacts taking place during this transit –

a. Mars in Cancer and Ketu in Virgo would mean that there will be a Paap Kartari Yoga for Leo sign. So, we should not expect much from the matters and people related with house where Leo falls in chart. Also, we should be taking good care of health of people related with house where Leo sign falls in chart. There can be very limited results and lots of stress in the area of life where Leo falls in to chart. Again, as Mars is going to remain in Cancer for about 5 months and Ketu would also stay in Virgo till May, 2025, we can say that this Paap Kartari Yoga is going to impact Leo sign for about 5 months, which is a big time window.

b. Mars 4th aspect will be on the house where Libra falls in our chart. Person will try to take control in matters related to that house where Libra falls in chart. So, we can be very much active in that area of life where Libra falls in chart. Thankfully, there is no other malefic impact on Libra sign along with Mars aspect.

c. Mars-Ketu-Jupiter all will be aspecting Capricorn sign. Mars 7th aspect on Capricorn would show that other people related with house where Capricorn falls in chart will see the native as dominating person whereas Jupiter-Ketu aspect shows the need to take counselling or guidance in dealing with matters related with the house where Capricorn falls in chart. In other words, we can say that with knowledge and awareness of Jupiter-Ketu, we will be able to take better actions (Mars) in matters related with house where Capricorn falls in chart.

d. Mars-Saturn will be jointly impacting Aquarius sign as Mars 8th aspect comes there and Saturn is already transiting in Aquarius. Energy of two strong malefic planets coming together is never easy. This looks difficult and stressful for personal relation and for early achievement of desired ambitions. It shows lots of frustration for about 5 months in the area of life represented by house in which Aquarius falls in your chart. Time to practice patience.

e. Last but not the least, Rahu’s aspect will be on Cancer from Pisces sign. Rahu’s aspect can further blow-up the results of Mars in Cancer as it creates an energy exchange of Angarak Yoga. As Mars is going in debilitation, this is not an Angarak Yoga we would like to deal with ideally. Considering that they both are in Water Signs which represent emotions, this creates further a case of emotional triggers or emotional outbursts by people.

Similar Earlier Transits – Finally, it is always a great help to look at the results of similar transits from past. In recent past, Mars’s similar retrograde transit in Gemini/Cancer happened from Aug, 2009 to April, 2010 and then from Sep, 1992 to June, 1993. So, events happened in these times in life can also guide us as to what we can expect from this upcoming transit.

This is how I see Mars in Cancer transit may impact us. Please Meditate regularly to be in calm and peaceful state to sail through this time. We can also divert the same aggressive energy into sports, gym or any other physical exercise.

Normally, I say that end results depend on the overall chart, dashas and transits but in this case, I would not give any excuse to anyone to ignore or overlook this transit. Regardless of overall chart and dashas, this transit has all the potential to turn lives upside down. As I said in the beginning, look at this transit results in combination with other transits which are happening and which articles are mentioned here again -

a. Transit of Mars (Direct & Retrograde) in Gemini/Cancer in 2024-25 -

b. Maraka impact on Leo & Capricorn -

c. Transit of Saturn in Aquarius - and

d. Transit of Rahu in Pisces -

e. Transit of Jupiter in Taurus -

f. Joint Impact of Jupiter-Rahu-Saturn on Scorpio -

g. Stellium in Pisces -

To see ascendant-wise result, please refer to combined article of Mars retro in Gemini/Cancer [Transit of Mars (Direct & Retrograde) in Gemini/Cancer in 2024-25 - ]

Hope this helps. Thanks,


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